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Requested by DarryGirls


Ninda's POV

We clapped our hands, cheering out. Our hearts calmed now. Both of our riders, Dani Pedrosa and Marc Marquez are the top three riders from today's race. I was happy, especially for my man.

"Marc! Dani! Come here and give us a big hug!" Carlos, another engineer for the team shouted at them.

Marc and Dani looked at each other then nodded, running towards us. They hugged every single person that was in the team, including me.

Marc then looked at me and gave me a cheeky smiled, knowing that I always loved it when he wins or finish the race smoothly.


I was sitting inside the empty pit box, I was really tired packing all the stuffs. I took out my phone for my pocket, receiving no messages from no one.

I sighed, locking my phone and put it back in my pocket. I haven't seen Marc after he went up on the podium, he's still busy talking or explaining who knows what at the press-conference.

"Hey," A voice greeted me, I turned around and saw Alex, who was smiling.

"Hi," I replied back.

"So.. Marc won, huh?" He scratched the back of his neck before sitting down right next to me.

"Yeah, I'm proud of him." I smiled as he patted my back and squeeze my arm a little, I had no idea why he did that.

"I came here to tell you that Marc will be waiting for you at Bello, 8pm sharp." He said as he chuckled.

"Oh, I don't think that I could come," I said quietly, "The team has to send the bikes and well I have to check the bikes at 8pm too."

"Bummer," He pouted a little, then smiled back, "Tell the team that you have a stomachache or something, they'll believe that."

"No can do Marquez, I've used that excuse many times." I chuckled as checked the time, 4:39pm.

"Uh, maybe tell them that you are sick?" He asked or tell, I had no idea.

"No," I mumbled, "Just tell Marc that maybe we'll go on dinner when we get back."

"Why can't you go and tell him yourself?" He asked as I shrug my shoulders.

"You don't have to tell me, I already heard it." Marc chimes in, making Alex and I gasped, when did he came here?

"Hermano... I'll go." Alex let out a nervous chuckle and he got up and left. I patted the seat right next to me as Marc happily walked towards me and took a seat.

"Ugh, to be honest, I think that I should announce us to the public." He happily said.


"I meant, I want the publicity to know that I'm dating you, you dating me. I don't was us to be a secret anymore." He smiled to hisself, as I let out a nervous chuckle.

"But your fans.. especially the ones who are in love with you-"

"Who cares what they think? It's not like they can control me over something that I really love," He blushed.

"You, Marquez, are the most charming boy I've ever met." I smiled, ruffling his dark brown fluffy hair.

"And handsome too." He added, as I laughed. He then place his lips onto mine, shushing me.

I smiled between the kisses and so does he. Few minutes later he broke the kiss, making me pout. Someone then randomly lets out a fake cough, making us turn the look at the person, it was Carlos.

"So, ready to tell the publicity?"

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