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requested by MrsMarquez93 💘 i'm so sorry for keeping you waiting for a month!

"Angela, honey, invite Marc for dinner okay?" My mum tapped my shoulder, telling me to text Marc and invite him.

"Alright, what time?" I took my phone out from my pocket as I entered the passcode.

"Seven, sharp." She patted my shoulder and went to the kitchen, preparing food for later.

I smiled to myself, as I typed the message that I'm going to send to Marc.

[Angela] Hey

[Angela] My mum invited you to come over for dinner at seven.

His reply was almost instant, making me giggle. I love how he replies me quickly.

[Marc] Noted love ❤️


Before dinner, I went to the mall to find me some new clothes for me to wear. "Oh, this is cute!" I talked to myself as I examine the dress.

"Oh, Marc!" I heard a girl giggled.

I shook my head, giggling. It's like she's talking to my boyfriend.

"I'm serious, you look pretty with that dress on!" I heard a man replied.

I then stopped, placing the dress back onto the rack. I then turned my head, I then saw my boyfriend with another girl. I was fuming, of course. But I couldn't jump into conclusions.

"Sara, you know that I mean it when I say that you look pretty." He chuckled, still looking at the girl with his eyes full of lust, not noticing that I was there.

"You're such a sweetheart," She gushed.

I couldn't take it anymore, how dare he cheat on me?! I'm totally stressed and sad, how long was he been doing this?

I decided to go home, but before I do, I should take a picture for evidence if him and I will have an argument later. I took my phone out from my handbag and took a pic.


"Stupid Marc!" I cried as I ate the last fifth gallon of strawberry cookie dough ice cream. I then munch an oreo and cried again.

"He's not stupid, Angela, maybe he's just confused." My friend, Judith, and also Marc and Alex's cousin, sighed.

"What?! How could be confused when he cheated on me! I texted him telling him that my mother invited him during dinner later! He can't be confused." I lay back and shut my eyes tightly as I pinched myself.

"Uh, what are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm pinching myself, this is just a dream." I replied as I continued to pinch myself as she removed my hand from my skin.

"Stop it, Angela. This isn't a dream!" She narrow her eyes at me.

I flutter back my eyes open and look at her, "I know! Stupid Marc!"

She sighed for the millionth time and patted my back, "You should go and see him."

"Are you crazy?!" My eyes widened, "Why would I?!"

"You know, to sort things out." She said calmly, smiling at me.

"Fine," I sighed, giving in, "But I'm scared."

"Don't be, I just texted Alex that you'll be there in a few," She locked her phone and toss it on the table. She then gathers my things and place it into my handbag and stood up.

"Let's go." She pulled me up as just sighed, obeying her.


"So, can you tell me why Angela looks like...that?" Alex looks at Judith as she just rolled her eyes.

"Marc, that's why she looks like that." Judith sat down next to me, patting my back. "Speaking of which, where is Marc? We're been waiting for hours!"

"..Minutes." Alex spoke up.

"He's probably with the Sara girl!" I groaned, then I sobbed, covering my face with my the palm of my hands.

"Woah, Sara? Isn't that-"

"I don't know!" She giggled.

"I'm back, now what's the rush Alex?" Marc's voice echoed the room once he entered their house.

"Just come to the living room! We have company!" Alex shouted.

Few seconds later, I saw Marc walked in. He then stopped when he looked at me. "Angela?"

I looked at him while I was sniffling, "You! H-How dare you?!"

"Huh?" He sat down beside me, placing his hand on my thigh. "What did I do, sweetheart?"

Judith and Alex then walked out, leaving both of us alone. "I-I went to the mall and saw you with another girl!" I then took my phone out from my handbag and unlocked it.

"Oh, baby, that isn't what you think."

"Oh yeah?" I showed him the picture that I took earlier, leaving him chuckling.

"What's so funny? This isn't funny Marc!" I slapped his arm, making him chuckle again.

"Baby. That's Sara, my friend. She was going out on a date with my close friend, Julian. Since I knew Julian very well, she wanted me to accompany her to find a dress for her to wear tonight, so that Julian could be amazed." He chuckles then kissed my forehead.

"So.. you didn't cheat on me?" I asked with my mouth wide open.

"Of course not! I love you too much to do that." He kissed my cheek.

I pouted, "I'm sorry that I jumped into conclusions so quickly without knowing the truth. Please forgive me."

"It's okay baby, I love you."

"I love you too, Marc."

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