Drunk Y/N

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A/N: hey guys! i just wanted to let you all know that my PM is open, and you guys can request or give me an idea of what i should write for the next imagine!


Marc's POV

"Y/N?" I called out my girlfriend's name.

"Yeah, yeah, I know! I'll be out in a few seconds! I just need to apply this lipstick!" I heard her shout from upstairs.

I patiently sat on the couch as I waited for her. About two minutes later, she came down. All I had to say is wow, she looked extremely amazing.

"Do I look okay? Because this was last minute and I look like a potato." She sighed.

"You look like a hot potato," I commented as she rolled her eyes.

"Was that supposed to make me feel better?" She asks, biting her lower lip.

"Hmm, depends. But it was a compliment, darling." I chuckle as she smiled. "Now, let's get going."


Once we entered the crowded place, Y/N and I saw sweaty bodies dancing on the dance floor and the smell of alcohol.

"This place isn't that crowded," She acknowledges.

"Is that a bad thing? If you want, we can go somewhere el-"

"No," She interrupt me, "It's better. I don't want to get any skin contact with sweaty people anyways."

"What if I'm sweaty?" I smirked.

"That's a different story," She playfully rolled her eyes. "Let's party!"


Y/N drank lots of alcohol, and now, she's drunk as ever.

"Hey, baby, you look extremely drunk." I stated.

I then placed my hands on both of her hips. She stared at me for a long time. I then started to lean in for a kiss, but her hands were on my chest, pushing me away.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"Sorry!" She apologised as she giggled a bit. "I have a boyfriend!"

I then tried to hold back my laugh and just go with the flow. And I should probably ask her questions about her 'boyfriend'.

"You do?" I pretended to be shocked. "Who's your boyfriend?"

"I'm not going to tell you!" She giggled once again.

"Why not?"

"Because you'll be jealous!" She said in awe. "And you'll find him and beat the crap out of him because he has me and I don't want that to happen!"

"Well," I chuckled, "I won't be jealous and I will not find him. I just want to know, who's the lucky guy."

"Fine," She gave me a cheeky smile. "His name is Marc. And he's so hot!"

"Really? What do you think of him?" I asked, chuckling.

"Hm, what I think of him?" She repeated the question before answering. "Hot. Sexy. Fierce. Any adjective that are good, obviously."

"Oh!" She continued, "He's a motorcycle racer. Five times world champion. That's my boy."

"Wow. That's amazing. I'll never be like him," I chuckled at my own words.

"And one more!" She giggled, "I like to look at his bum."

"Bum?" I raised a brow.

"His butt." She tells me. "There's this small camera called GoPro and it's like behind his butt. I would always watch that because he has a nice butt."

I then laughed as I leaned in once again, wanting to kiss her. As expected, she pushed me away again.

"I already told you I have a boyfriend!" She shouted. My eyes widened at the rise of her voice.

Luckily, no one even bothered to see.

"Y/N, darling, it's me. Your boyfriend, Marc." I said as her eyes softens.

"Marc? Marc!" She tilted her head before screaming my name then hugged me.

"Baby! Oh my gosh! I have something to tell you!" She said quickly.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"There's this guy, and he wanted to kiss me! But luckily I pushed him away!" She let out a relieving sigh.

"Darling, that was me!" I chuckle as I placed both of my hands onto her hips once again.

"Really?" She gasped. "Kiss me!"

I did what she told me to do immediately. I then kissed her with full of passion and she kissed back. I then felt her smiling.

"Your lips still taste sweet, even with the alcohol." I acknowledge as I cupped her face with my hand, stroking my thumb on her cheek.

"Yours taste nothing," She said truthfully. "But I felt sparks and fireworks."

I then smiled and kissed her once again.


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