let's have some fun yeah?

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Hope you like the book!

Note: hi guys it's Michelle, the author


Anyway, I made this book when i was eleven so do not comment about grammar and spelling errors. I know that there will be errors. But also keep in mind that some errors were put in on purpose.


-Michelle xoxoxo


Chapter 1: Let's have some fun, yeah?

"Wake up Marisa! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" yelled my 8 year old sister, who was right now jumping up and down on my bed and laughing like a person who broke out of a mental asylum. I groaned and covered my ears with the pillow. I needed more sleep. I went to sleep at 2:00am last night, and it was probably like 5:00 right now! When she saw I wasn't moving, she crawled over to me and leaned over to my ear. "Hey, Marisa?" she whispered.

"What?" I hissed at her.

"Wake up!" she screeched in my ear, making me jump off my bed and unfortunately hit my head on the dresser next to my bed. I groaned and rubbed my head softly, muttering swear words under my breath, while Talia laughed. I narrowed my eyes at her and grabbed my heaviest pillow (which trust me, is pretty heavy) and threw it full-force at her stomach, making her fall off the bed. "Ouchie!" She cried out in pain making me chuckle. She stood up and narrowed her eyes at me, but was smart enough not to do anything to me. Because everyone knows that if you cross a certain line with me...

You're screwed.

"Why did you even wake me up Talia! It's like 5:00!" I scolded her.

"No!" she said rubbing her butt, " it's 7:00! Your bus comes in 9 min!" She pointed to my alarm clock.

"Yeah sure it is" I said sarcastically before looking over to the alarm clock and checking the time, just to see that it actually was 7:00!

SHIT! I have to get ready! I thought to myself, eyes widening as I started panicking.

"Oh my god! I thought I set my alarm clock! Shit, shit, shit, shit! Why didn't you tell me!" I said as I started running around trying to find some clothes, tripping occasionally on the flat floor... That had nothing on it... Yep... I'm a klutz.


"Shut up! I'm trying to get dressed!" I inerupted her, finally finding some decent clothes and putting them on the bed.

"That's why! You keep interrupting me!" she said, rolling her eyes and sauntering out of my room. 'What happened? I'm positive that I turned my alarm clock on!' I thought to myself, groaning in frustration. 'I never forget to turn it on! It's just not like me!'

When I was done putting the clothes and stuff on the bed, I walked into the bathroom and went to brush my teeth. I was brushing my teeth and looking around the counter for a brush, when I saw a sparkly pink note on the counter.

The note said:


Hey! Remember yesterday, when you told mom and dad about my boyfriend, Isaac? Well I'm about to give you living hell because of that!  I left you a little gift by turning off your alarm, so you can get in trouble with mom. And you know how mom gets when you miss school. She literally screamed so loud, a house that was 8 houses down heard her scream! Sleep with one eye open, I got even badder things up my sleeve. >:)

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