you owe me a new bra!

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Chapter 4: You owe me a new bra! 



We were in the car, going home. Jacob, Jay, Ashton, Blake, Austin, and everyone else were already dropped off and I was driving the car to Dustin's place.

Since it's like a 40 min. Drive from Blake's house to Dustin's, I started a conversation to break the silence.

"So.... Do you think the Ravens or 49ers are gonna win?" I asked with a bored expression.

"..... Ravens", he declared.

"... I think the 49ers will...." I said eyes on the road.

"No.... Ravens"








Then we started to laugh for no reason and I looked at the clock....... 35 minutes left.

"So..... How's your girlfriend?" Dustin said out of nowhere.

That's when I hit the brakes to the car.

"How the fuck did you know?" I said amazed.

"Let's just say..... You and Becca are REALLY alike", he said laughing.

I just smirked and restarted the car.

"How's your girlfriend?" I said, emphasizing the word 'your'.

"Ugh! Don't remind me! She is being sooo annoying! I can't take it anymore!" Dustin yelled, causing me to hit the brakes again. I could hear car honking behind me, so I rolled down my window and flipped them off.

"So.... What are you gonna do?" I said curiously.

"I don't know man! She's being so fucking clingy. And just because she wants sex! I mean.... I did do her once.... But she's horrible at it and screeches like a fucking hyena being choked!"

"Wooooo, man. Looks like you don't really like her huh?"

"No not really.....", and that's when he looks into the distance. And I know what that means.

"You like someone else!" I yelled, but he still kept day dreaming, so I slapped him hard on the back of his head.

"Ouch! What the fuck, man?" He said rubbing his head.

"" I said slowly. That's when he looked at me with a smile.

"Yeah... I guess you could say that...." He said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Promise you won't tell anyone?" Dustin said a serious look on his face.

"Promise", I said crossing my fingers behind my back.

"It's..... Marisa" he said.

Woah! There's no way I'll be able to hold this down!



When I got the text saying that Dustin liked my best friend... Let's just say I literally almost jumped for joy.

It said....

Chase- guess what!?! Dustin's got a crush on Marisa!

Oh my gosh! This is unbelievable! I thought to my self.

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