Awe! You're blushing!

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Chapter 15: awe! you're blushing!


All of a sudden there was an awkward silence. I was looking around and it looks like everyone except for me and Kade knew what they were talking about. Kade didn't know because he had his headphones on.

Everyone was just staring at me. Grinning, like Cheshire cats. It was creepy.

"What?" I said confused. They just kept grinning. Ok. Now I was officially creeped out.

"Is their something on my face?" I asked, swiping my hands on my face.

"You're clueless. Aren't you?" Darren said, smirking.

"Ugh!" I said exasperated, "what's with guys and smirking?! Seriously!"

That's when the guys started laughing and Mr. and Mrs. Walker were smirking at me. "You seriously don't know.... Do you?" Mrs. Walker said.

I shook my head. "No.... What?"

She was about yo answer, when I heard Kade scream out lyrics to 'Yeah' by usher. And when I say scream......

I mean it......

It was deafening!

So I did what any sensible person would do, and ripped his headphones off. "Dude!" Kade said, pouting.

"Kade. You almost killed my ears!" I yelled at him, thumping him in the head.

"What the f-" Kade started.

"Kade Michael Walker! Use your manners!" Mrs. Walker scolded him. He just slid a little bit down in his seat. After that, everyone was staring at me again, and there was silence. I was kind getting a little weirded out.

"Well.... I've got lots of homework, so.... Um.... Can I be excused?" I lied. Mrs. Walker didn't seem to notice that I was lying, and nodded. With that I left the table, it was awkwardly quiet when I was leaving, but as soon as I was far enough away I couldn't make out the words they were saying, they started talking quietly, as if they all knew something secret and were careful so no one could hear.


The next four weeks were really weird. Kade and Austin kept hitting on me and flirting with me, Darren asked if he could take a picture of me, and Cody basically never left my side. The girls kept giggling every time Austin looked at me at school. They looked like they knew something I didn't, which was wording me out. And every time Mrs. Walker needed chores done, she made Austin and me do them. I must admit though, while we're doing the chores, we do have a lot of fun. A have a feeling we're sort of friends now....

Yeah..... Anyway. The next day (four and a half weeks after the dinner) I was greeted by something... Or should I say.... Someone.

"Rise and shine!" Austin said cheerfully, smirking at me.

"get out of my room, moron!" I said grumpily, sitting up and throwing a pillow at him. I am a really grumpy person in the morning sometimes. Especially when I don't have sleep.... Like last night.

He dodged the blow and started chuckling. "Well you're not a morning person" he said, smirk still in tact.

"We'll look who's catching up", I said, rolling my eyes and laying back down. I wanted to say 'It's Saturday! I don't want to wake up early!' But because my face was in a pillow it sounded like this...

"is saworday! I dnt wan oo ake up early!"

"Um.... What?" He said chuckling at me, amusement in his eyes.

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