Not what it looks like? My ass it's not!

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So, it's safe to say that during study hall I'm going to go on my iPhone and search up the closest mental asylum for Elise and Peyton....

Not even joking...

I think they truly are in need of one right now....

I was jogging down the halls with Jay and Vanessa beside me, trying to get to my class as fast as I can, when I saw something I never thought I would ever see.

"What the hell, Amy!" I yelled at her, making her stop in her tracks and stare at me with wide eyes. Now you might be asking me what I just saw and jumping up and down waiting for me to tell you. But what I'm about to say is going to break my heart, so stop being happy. Amy was pushing Austin against the lockers trying to kiss him, while Austin tried to push her away from him.

"It's not what it looks lik-" she started, but I caught her off.

"Then what the hell is that, Amy? What in fucking hell is that?" I yelled at her angrily. I could see her face pale just at the way I said it. She gulped and looked around, trying to find someone who could help her. When she saw no one was there, she got even more scared and started walking backwards. "Why do you have to be such a bitch like that? I didn't even do anything to you! I thought we were friends!" Then she stopped walking backwards, and her face turned angry.

"Friends? Ha! You took my spot as being the leader of the group-"

"-I was never the bloody leader!-" interrupted her.

"-you're living with the hottest guys in school, and you're dating my crush! I fucking hate your guts!" she yelled at me. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"You never even told me you liked Austin! How the hell was I supposed to know!" I demanded my face turning red with anger.

"Break up with him!" Amy yelled at me "Or else!"

Austin looked at me with a pout and sad eyes, silently begging me not to do it. I looked at Austin with a smile, before turning to Amy and walking towards her, Michael Myers slow, my face turning into a dark smile. Amy's eyes widened and she froze, while I walked over to her. I chuckled darkly at her and pushed her against the wall.

"I'm not breaking up with Austin, and you're not gonna do anything about it. You want to know why? Because if you do, I'll make your life a living hell next year!" I hissed at her. She visibly gulped and tried to look like she wasn't scared, but you could she that she was.

"I'm not scared of you" she said to me, almost believably. I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"That's funny" I said leaned towards her and whispering in her ear "because you should be." When I took a couple steps away from her, she was frozen to the spot, a million things and emotions going through her head. My smirk widened when I saw Austin come towards me from where he was standing by Amy and kiss my cheek. Her frozen face turned into one of hatred as Austin and I walking away, but don't worry. I didn't leave her without a gift. As we were walking away I turned my head towards her and stuck my middle finger at her, mouthing 'fuck you'.

She gasped and widened her eyes at me. I smiled sarcastically at her and turned towards Austin, wrapped my left arm around him and kissing his cheek. In case you are not girl and you are reading this, what I just did is claim my territory. Like how wolfs and dogs pee on something to show it's theirs.

I heard her grunt and stomp off, leaving me with a pleased look on my face. But then there was also that part of me that was sad. I actually trusted her. I thought she was my friend.

I guess I was wrong....

I sighed and looked over to Austin, who was looking at me with a concerned look. I smiled weakly at him, all my energy gone. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly, saying "You ok?" I hugged him back and nodded into his shirt, smelling his clothes.

Woah, woah, woah!

Smelling his clothes?

I'm going crazy...... Would it be bad if I said I liked the smell, and smelled him again?


Anyway! It wasn't even 1st period yet and I already had enough drama to last me a life time.

Let's hope I don't get into anymore drama..... Humph!


Sorry it's short, but you guys won't vote! :*(

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||Luv you||

-Michelle Lucic xoxoxo

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