So much for no drama...

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"You got lucky, Miss Blake," the teacher said with puckered lips as I entered just as the bell rang. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

"Whatever," I sighed out. I watched his face turn from a pucker to a tight line as his eye twitched from anger. I looked at him with an expressionless face then looked around the classroom.

"Where do I sit?" I said in a bored voice to him, while looking down at my nails.

"By our new kid, Mr. Carter" the teacher said in a choppy voice, pointing to the only open seat that was next to the new guy I saw last period. I forced myself not to groan in agony as I walked over to the Hollister looking blonde boy, who looked like he's been photoshopped five-hundred times.

"Hello, love. I'm Daniel," he said with a wink when I got to my seat and sat down. I gave him a tired and bored look. He probably thought I was like those stupid cheerleaders and studs that had sex on Friday nights.

"Marissa," I said to him, holding out my hand to shake. He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles, making me chuckle. He chuckled too.

"Well Marissa. You don't really look like a slut. Do you want to be friends? None of the guys really like me, and the other girls are really fucking clingy. I rolled my eyes at him and laughed.

"Sure, I'll be your friend" I said to him in a thoughtful voice. Before we could keep talking, the teacher slammed his ruler on the desk.

Wait. People still do that?

"Anything you would like to share, kids?" The teacher said.

"No, not really" I said to the teacher with a bored look directed at him. He snarled at me and looked over to Daniel.

"Nah. I don't like the whole let's-put-our-hands-together thing. I'll pass" Daniel said, kicking his legs up in the air and onto the desk while maintaining eye contact with the teacher.

Mr. Gabe sighed and shook his head. "I am so glad this is the last day I have with you two" he said mostly to himself! but everyone heard it.

"The feelings mutual" Daniel and I said at the same time. He was about to talk back to us, when suddenly the speaker in our classroom turned on with a little tap tap tap of the fingers.

There was a quick clearing of the throat, and then a man in a gravelly voice said "Good afternoon staff and students. Sorry for the interruption, but I would like to announce that we are having shorter class periods today due to the senior class that will be graduating today. The bell will be delayed because we didn't set it yet, so please go to your next class now. You have 4 minutes. Thank you."

We all rushed out of our seats and practically ran out of our classroom. I was in the hallway walking at a leisurely pace, when I saw Vanessa talking to someone in a professional tone. I couldn't see who the other person was since their back was turned to me, but I knew that it was a guy with blonde hair.

"I wonder what they're talking about", I said in my mind as I walked closer to them, but not close enough to make them think I was listening. When I got a good distance, I hid behind the closest object, which was fortunately a wall, and listened. I couldn't pick up everything, but this is what I got.

"Focus on the mission!" the man hissed harshly. I could see Vanessa was scared, since I could read her and Jay like an open book, but she didn't show it to the man in front of her.

"I'll focus on your stupid mission as long as she's not going to get hurt" she said to him in a professional and harsh tone. It kind of shocked me, hearing that kind of tone come out of her mouth. She was always this giggly and excited kind of girl. Hearing her be professional and strict would take some getting used to.

"If the girl doesn't get in the way of the mission, she is fine. If she in anyway gets involved with them then god bless her soul. You hear me?" the man said, taking a step closer to her as he went.

"Yeah, I hear you sir" she said, looking at him with an emotionless face. They just stood there for a couple of seconds before walking off in different directions, not uttering a single word to each other.

"What the hell was that about?" I said quietly as they walked off. Shaking my head, I decided I wasn't going to tell Vanessa about me hearing in on the argument and walked off to my next class.

"So much for no drama" I said to myself as I walked in the now dark and empty hallway that looked like it was abandoned.


I know it was short


But I don't really have any time to write

I promise I'll write a lot more over the summer though! :D


||Luv you||

-Michelle xoxoxo

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