cat fight at the beach

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One month has passed and we've been having nothing but fun. Everyday the Walkers and I go to the beach and hang out there for half the day, or else we go to amusement parks or something else fun like that. 

Me and Austin are still going strong, but Kade is a little grumpier then usual ever since we got together, which I find weird. Daniel and I are pretty close now, and none of the Walker boys like that at all, but when I ask why they just walk away. Vanessa is acting really strange when she's around me, keeping a very close eye on me and the guys. Peyton is just as confused as I am, and no one will tell us what's going on. 

But besides that, it's been a pretty good summer so far... sort of. 

I was laying down on the sand, getting a tan with Peyton, as something wet wrapped his arms around me, making me screech. Whoever it was kept a tight hold on me and lifted me off the ground, twirling me around really fast. My scared screams turned into light laughs as I realized who it was. 

"Austin, put me down!" I laughed out as he kept spinning me around. He chuckled, but didn't put me down, and instead threw me in the air and caught me when I was dropping towards the ground. "Austin!" I laughed out, louder. 

"Ok, ok, I'll put you down, your highness" he said dramatically as he gently put me down to the ground. 

"Oh my gosh, you gave me a heart attack!" I yelled at him, slapping him on the arm. He chuckled and looked at my angry eyes with his own twinkling ones. 

"Well than, I'm sorry" he said kissing my forehead, instantly making me melt into him. 

"Austin!" I heard Kade yell. Austin pulled away from me and looked over to where Kade yelled and I saw a man in a black suit looking at us. Austin sweared under his breath and kissed my forehead one more time, before jogging over to where Kade and the man was. 

I pretended to walk away from them, but instead I hid behind a big boulder that was by them. "Thank you, God in Heaven for having this boulder by them" I whispered under my breath. 

But, even though I was close I still had a hard time hearing what they were saying. I strained my ears as much as I could, and could barely hear them as they talked.

"I'm done fooling around with you boys! Give me the stuff!" the man in the suit said, being vague as if he knew someone was listening. 

"We aren't going to give it back to you! Not after what you did to Kate!" Kade growled. 

"Who's Kate?" I whispered to myself, making sure they couldn't hear me, as I leaned more towards them.  

"It'll happen tp your new little toy if you don't give me what's mine" the man growled at Kade, making Kade's and Austin's face redden. 

The stuff after that was said, happened so quick. Kade punched him in the nose and kicked his balls, and half a second later Austin comes in and chokes the guy, the grown mans face getting redder by the second.

"I swear to God, if you touch Marissa I will kill you without a second thought" Austin growled at him, his grip on the man getting tighter and tighter.

And then all of a sudden, three guys come out of nowhere and start attacking Austin and Kade. "Oh, my gosh" I whispered with wide eyes as I stared at the people attacking Austin and Kade. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my-" 

A hand wraps around my mouth and I hear someone say, "Don't scream, it's Ethan." 

I nodded and automatically relax from my rigid stance. I turn towards him and point towards the guys who were fighting. "You want to tell me what's going on now?" I whisper harshly. Ethan flinchs from my harsh voice and sighs.

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