Just forget about it and go to sleep!

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Chapter 9: Just forget about it and go to sleep!


A little bit after the game, Mrs. Walker came in yelling for us that lunch was here. When we got there, there was Chinese food on the right side of the table, American food in the middle, and Mexican food on the left side. I chose to sit in the middle.... Austin did too. Darren and Ethan chose Mexican, Cody and Kade chose Chinese, Mr. Walker chose Mexican, and Mrs. Walker chose Chinese.

"Hey, look. Now you're not the only one!" Cody said, giving Austin a thumbs up.

"Why doesn't anyone eat the food we are?" I whispered to Austin.

"Mom says it has too much fat, Cody always gets really sick, Darren and Ethan don't like it, dad says if he starts he can't stop, and Kade is allergic to most of the food", Austin
said in one breath.

"Ok.......", I said.

We kept eating, no one was really talking and we were all pretty much stuffed by the time everyone finished eating.

"So", Mrs. Walker said, putting the napkin on her lips, to wipe off the food "are you ready to go to your new school tomorrow?"

"Uh........" I said giggling nervously, "I don't know, I guess.... I mean, I won't know anyone."

"Well, I'm sure you'll get some friends. It can't be that hard", she said encouragingly.

"Yeah..." I said.


The rest of the day flew by quickly, and it was now time to go to sleep. I got a huge t-shirt that's three times the size I really wear, and some comfy yoga shorts, and flung myself at the bed.... Literally.

I tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. I kept tossing and turning, and couldn't get myself comfortable. That's when I just decided to lay down and think. Think about the first thing that pops into my head. And that was.....

The school

I don't know why, but I really don't want to go to this school. I have a feeling some weird things are going to be happening this year.

I kept thinking about what the school would be like. Maybe a lot of people would like me, maybe a lot of people hate me, maybe some people would just look at me when I walk down the hallways, maybe some people wouldn't even pay attention to me, all these things are driving me crazy not making me be able to sleep. I was thinking about what the school would look like. Maybe the School would be huge, maybe the school would be small like my last one, maybe the teachers would be mean. But what if they were nice? I didn't know what would happen.

Just forget about it and go to sleep! You're gonna look like the walking dead if you keep this up! I toldmyself. And with that, I went to sleep.


Ring! Boom! Ring! Boom! Boom! Ring! Boom! Ring! Boom! Boom!

My alarm clock went off. I groaned, and check the time. I had 45 minutes to get dressed.
I zombie walked to my walk in closet, and got the outfit I bought yesterday out. Then I went to brush my teeth, put some make-up on (mascara), put some bracelets and a necklace on, and then put the outfit on. I was pulling my cami down, when the door opened.

And Austin came in.

Austin just saw a 15 sec video of me in a bra!

Lord help me!!!!

"Didn't anyone ever tell you to knock" I screeched.

He smirked,"yes. But I'm thankful that I didn't listen" he said.

I just groaned and pushed him out.
Boys are idiots!

"Mom told me to tell you that I'm driving you to school. Kade is driving the others, so hurry up unless you want me to ditch you!" He yelled from the other side of the door.

"Ok.... Asshole" I muttered.

"I heard that!" He said.

"Oh? And what did you hear?" I said smirking.

"I don't know..... But I heard it!" He said.

"Idiot", I whispered.

I heard him walking away. Crap! I still don't know my way around the house!

"Wait up! Austin!" I yelled, running to him.

"What?" He says, putting his hand in his hair, messing with it.

"I still don't know my way around the house" I said, taking a sudden interest in my fingers.

I need to cut them.

"Ok.... Well hurry up then, cause I'm leaving" he said, walking away, no emotion on his face.

"Ok..." I whispered.

When we got to the car, I saw why I was the only one going with him. Oh crap.

"No way! No way in hell!" I yelled "I do not trust you enough yet"

"It's just a motorcycle, princess. It's not a fricking death trap", he said exhaustedly.

"It is a fricking death trap!!!" I yelled, annoyed.

"Hey! Enough flirting and get to school!!!" Mrs. Walker yelled, winking at me.

"Me? Flirt with him?" I snorted "nope!"

"Whatever you say, Marisa. Whatever you say...." Mrs. Walker said.

Austin got on the motorcycle and said, "come on. Get on"

I hesitantly got on, and as soon as I rapped my arms around my waist he started to drive. It felt really cool! Like I was flying. But the other half of me, knew that at any time something bad could happen. But the bigger half was excited.

Austin's brown hair kept swishing to the front of his face and I started to laugh. He just chuckled and said.

"You know. Most girls are scared to be on motorcycles"

"Yeah? Well I'm not like other girls" I said smirking.


When we got to school, everyone in the parking lot was staring at me.

"Why are they staring?" I asked.

"We don't have a lot of new students coming here. I think you were the first one this year" Austin said.

"Oh.... Ok" I said. Austin brought me to the place all the popular people are. There were 2 girls and 3 guys.

"Marisa, this is the group", Austin said.

I girl with blond hair and blue tips came to the front. "My name is Jessie" she said, waving to me. She was alittle small, had a lot of energy, and had green eyes.

Then a girl with long brown hair came to the front. She had brown eyes, was pretty tall, and had tannish skin. I could also see contacts in her eyes too. "My name is Amy" she said.

Then a guy popped out from the back. He was a ginger and had green eyes. He was pretty built and he was alittle small too. "Hey. I'm Hunter" he says, obliviously bored.

A blond guy comes up. He has blue eyes and he's pretty tall, with a good build. "I'm Ben" he says.

And a brunette guy comes up. Brown eyes, tall, build, same old, same old.... "Hi. I'm Quinn"

I was alittle nervous to be honest but either way, I said," hi. I'm Marisa"

"Our new BFF" Jessie said, hugging me

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