I'll see you tomorrow then?

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Chapter 10: i'll see you tomorrow then?


We started talking about the latest gossip. We talked about it until the doors to the school opened. Then all the people were running into the school like there was big boxes of pizza in there. People were pushing, clawing, and tripping over people. It was quite I sight to see.


"I'll bring her to the main office for her schedule!" Amy said.

"No it's fine. I will" Jessie said.

"No..... I will", Amy said.

"How about we all go?" I asked, not knowing where I was going.

"Okay" they said at the same time. ThenI turned around and started walking.

"Hey Marisa" Jesse said. I stopped and listened. "the main office is this way" she said pointing to the opposite direction of where I was going.

"oh... I knew that" I said, chuckling. I turned around and followed them around the school until we found the main office.


When we got to the main office the secretary was staring at me probably trying to figure out why I am here. I looked at her and smiled, she smiled back. "What's your name and why are you here" she said.

"Marisa Emily Blake, ma'am" I said.

She smiled and handed me the schedule. I smiled, took it, and left the office with Jessie and Amy.

As soon as we got out, Amy took my schedule, and her and Jessie started looking at the schedule. "Ooooooo! I have 1,3,6,7, and lunch with you!" Jessie squealed.

"And I have 2,4,5,7, and lunch with you" Amy said.

"Cool", I said. At least I will know someone in all of my classes.

"Ok! Let's get to your locker" Jessie said.

"It looks like its locker...... 391" Amy said reading the paper.

We went to my locker, which was next to my first period class..... And a bathroom..... Specifically.... The boys bathroom.....ugh!

"Well... This is a great view" I said sarcastically, pointing towards the guys bathroom.

All they did was laugh and pat my back. Since they had there stuff with them already, They waited for me to finish unpacking. I put all my books in my locker, put all the extra stuff in my locker like photos, brush my hair because it was a little tangled, and then we were off. I told Amy that I would see her later and waved to her. she waved back and walked away from me and Jessie went into her class.

My first period class was art class. Amy's first was, I think, home ec? Idk.


Inside the room smelled like paint and sharpie. Look really cozy inside, very comfortable. There was a bunch of artwork hanged up on the walls and I could see the teacher in the corner by her desk grading papers for what looks like a test. I was about to make my way over there, when I saw something. It looks like Austin and Kade are in this class. Wait! Austin? I thought he was a senior, not a junior.

"You're a junior?" I said to Austin.

He nodded, as if it was obvious. "Uhhhhhh.... Yes" he said with a 'duh' tone in his voice.

"Really?" I asked.

He shrugged,"yeah. I'm 4 months older than Kade" he said.

"Ok" I said surprised.

Then the bell rang and everyone took their seats, getting their sketchbooks out. "Hello class. I'm Mrs. Witherhold. And the reason I said that is because we have a new student going to school here now" she said. And that's when the whispering started.

"Will the new kid please come up and introduce themselves" the teacher said.

I stood up and walked towards the front. While I was walking, I heard things like-

'She's the new kid'
'She looks hot'
'She might be a slut'
'She looks pretty'
'She's my friend. She's awesome!' (guess who)

-And stuff like that. Wow.... People really speak openly hear.

When I got to the front, I turned so I faced the class and said,"hi. I'm Marisa. I'm from California, my favorite color is blue, and I played volleyball for my last school".

Everyone said "hey" at the same time, and I went back to my seat.

"Ok. Today we will be starting a project. We will be making a collage. Of anything you want. Be creative! You can use drawings, pictures, anything. The theme can be anything as long as it's school appropriate. Any questions?" Mrs. Witherhold asked. When she was met by silence, she clapped her hands together and said, "ok! The collage paper is in the front of the room, behind me. Magazines and newspapers are by the door, colored pencils are at my desk, and you can also bring stuff from home too! Have fun!" Mrs. Witherhold said cheerfully.

Then we got to work.


The rest of the school day was just like that.

-Me introducing myself.
-People whispering.
-Then everyone getting to work.

It was pretty interesting though. All the teachers were awesome and nice. Some acted like they were teenagers though..... It was weird.....

I forgot to pack a lunch, so I bought I burger with, fries, strawberries, oranges, and milk. Their lunches are way better then the ones in Cali. It was amazing!

I spot Amy at a lunch table, waving me over. "Marisa! Over here!" Amy yelled. I smiled and walked over. "This is where the popular kids sit. Never sit anywhere else!" Amy told me.

I nodded and looked around,"where is everyone else?"

"Getting lunch. They'll be here soon", she said.

"Ok", I said. And as if on cue, all the jocks and popular people came over.

"Hey guys!" Amy said. She was in a full out grin, and hugging one of the football players. "This is Marisa" she said pointing to me.

I waved and the guys nodded towards me and the girls wiggled their fingers (girly wave).

"Hey guys...." I said putting on a grin. It's day 1 and I'm already popular.

"Hi" they all said at the same time, finding their seats, and eating.

After Amy introduced me to everyone, all the people were looking around.

"Where's Salena?" Justin said.

"I don't know man. You broke her heart pretty bad..." Kaden said.

"Ugh!" Justin groaned frustrated.

"She's probably talking to Lexi right now" Jessie said.

"Who's Salena and Lexi?" I said.

Jessie looked at me and said, "Salena and Lexi are the other two we didn't get to tell you about. They're the smallest in the group. Salena's the peace keeper, and Lexi is the little midget soldier. Lexi is probably trying to cheer up Salena right now".

Ok..... Well I guess I'll see them tomorrow then......

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