Shopping? God help me...

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Chapter 13: Shopping? God help me...


Girls were screaming my name as we sped off.

And this motorcycle ride... Was the scariest one I've ever been on.

"Austin slow down!" I yelled at him.

He just laughed and said "no way", and then started speeding up more.

By now we were going 80 mph. "Slow! Down! I'm not joking! I'm getting scared" I said to him.

He just started laughing even more, and sped off faster. Then I started gripping tighter, and tighter, and tighter. Then he started going faster, and faster, and faster.

By now my nails were digging into his skin. I was starting to get really scared. We were probably going 100 mph by now! But he kept on going faster and faster and faster, and then he made a turn. I'm scared I was going to fall off, so I gripped him as hard as I could.

"Austin! You almost killed me!" I said.

He chuckled and said, "open your eyes and look at the streets".

So I opened my eyes and I looked around. Everything was really blurry, but it also looked cool at the same time. Actually. It looks really cool.

He started going faster and faster up to the speed, where I couldn't even make out anything at all. The trees and houses looked like a big blurry mess!

"Austin, how can you even ride this fast" I said getting a little bit scared, but not showing it in my voice.

He just chuckled and said "I have a lot of experience with these type of things".

By the time we got home, I was gripping onto him for dear life. I didn't even notice the motorcycle wasn't moving anymore. While he got up, I just stayed there, sitting down, trying to figure out how I was still alive.

"Come on, get up" he said. At first I didn't even hear him because I was too busy thinking about everything that just happened on this motorcycle, but after a while I saw that he was still looking at me telling me, with his eyes, to get up from the seat.

Then I mumbled some incoherent words and slowly got off the seat. At first I thought I could stand up by myself, but then my legs gave out and I almost fell to the ground. That's when Austin, my 'knight in shining armor', grabbed me, to keep me from falling.

"Well look at that", Austin said. "You're already falling for me" then he started to smirk.

Seriously, guys need to stop smirking I thought. "Yeah I would so fall for a big ass like you" I said, rolling my eyes.

He just laughed and helped me up.

"So..." he said.

"So..." I said.

"We should get in the house" we said at the same time. Then we started laughing.

"You know what? Your not that bad...." Austin said, giving me a half smile. "But you need to pay the hospital bill, for digging your nails into my flesh" he said, looking hurt.

"Come on. It can't be that bad" I said, lightly slapping his arm.

"Really" he said, pulling up his shirt so I could see the marks. They were bad, but not bad to the point that you need to go to the hospital.

"Awwwww. Poor, baby" I said, giving him a fake pout.

He just grinned, knowing I was messing around, and said "you have 10 seconds".

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