How about a ceiling fan?

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Chapter 14: How about a ceiling fan?


 Basically after all the girls screamed, Mrs. Walker and Mr. Walker ran up the stairs.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Walker said, looking alert while Mrs. Walker looked like she was one step away from having a heart attack.

"Nothing. Just them being idiots" Riley said playfully, while Elise, Alex, and Jessie threw pillows at her. Then we all started laughing.

"Hey, Mrs. Walker?" I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Yes dear?" She said politely.

"My friends want to go to the mall. Are we allowed?" I said, praying that she would say no.

I never really liked shopping. I was like a boy when it came to that subject. I never really new what went with what half the time. I just guessed sometimes and hoped it looked good. Like today, for example. My school outfit. I found those clothes just laying there and said 'what the hell' and put them on.

"Ok. But only for an hour! We are having dinner soon" she said. That's when the girls started squealing. They were all giggly and bubbly.... And then-

Bang! Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"What the hell!?!" Mr. Walker said angry and confused at the same time. He started running down the stairs, along with the rest of us.

When we got down, we saw Austin and Kade arguing about something while wrestling on the ground, smashing and breaking things as they passed by anything, like a human tornado! It was madness!

And kinda funny.... But that's not the point!

"You little son of a bitch! I called dibs as soon as we saw it!" Austin said angrily, putting him in a head lock.

"We called it at the same time you asshole!" Kade said, getting out of the head lock, and putting him in an arm bar.

"Boys what the hell are you doing!" Mr. Walker yelled angrily, pulling them apart.

"That asshole's trying to say we called it at the same time, but I. Called. Dibs!" Austin yelled angrily.

"On what?" I said curious. That's when Kade and Austin turned to look at all the people here.

"Where'd you guys come from?" Kade asked my friends.

All the girls (except for me and Peyton) started drooling.

Ok, ok. They weren't drooling...... But they were close to it.

"Um... Um... We... Er... Um..." Is all you could hear the girls say.

"We came to have fun with Marisa, dumbasses. Why else would we come?" Peyton said like it was the stupidest question Kade has ever asked.

It's weird, because that's how I would've answered Kade too if I was the one talking.

"Um.... Dad.... Can we go talk somewhere else? In private?!" Austin said nervously and Kade nodded frantically.

Not that that's weird or anything... I thought to myself.

"Nope. You guys are always fighting about everything! From who will eat the last slice of pizza, to who will pic the vacation we go on!" Mr. Walker yelled, looking deadly serious. He looked so scary, that some of the girls inched back a little.

"But dad-"

"No buts!" Mr. Walker said, not letting Austin talk. "You two are punished!"

The two boys gulped. I would have too. Mr. Walker looks ready to rip someone's head off! It gave me the chills.

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