Epilogue? Epilogue.

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"Keep calm, Marissa" I heard Austin say soothingly "We're almost there."

I nodded, even though I knew he couldn't see it, and turned the speaker off, so the other guys outside couldn't hear him.

I tried to calm myself as much as I could, but it was hard. I was basically on the brink of insanity. I'm about to be kidnapped! I'M GOING TO DIE!

What if I just jinxed myself?

Oh, no...

Please mother of all that's good in the world, keep me alive!


'CALM DOWN!' I said in my head, as I heard the people's footsteps getting louder and closer.

The drivers door to the car was trying to be opened I guessed, by the way it was being rattled. After A couple seconds the rattling stopped and I heard whispering. I quietly let out the breath I was holding, and cautiously waited knowing that they were about to do something to the car.

'It didn't take a genius to realize that' I thought to myself, rolling my eyes.

Right after I said that, I heard a loud and percing gun shot. I covered my mouth, holding in a scream, as the door to the car automatically dropped to the floor. 'Oh God, please help me' I said in my mind.

"Where is she?" I gravely voice yelled out. Right after that, I heard a loud bang.

He must have kicked the car door....

"Search the car!" the old man yelled out, his voice hoarse from all the yelling.

I heard someone mumble out a "yes sir" and start walking around the car.

'Please don't find me! Please don't find me!' I screamed in my head, trying to squeeze into the car more. The man started getting closer and closer to where I was. I could make out his blonde hair and fit body from here. He didn't look that old from the back. He actually looked like a teenager. Like......

'Please tell me it isn't-' I started to say in my head, but stopped when he turned around, and mentally groaned.

"Annnnnnd it's him" I mouth as I watch Daniel looking around the car for me. Then all of a sudden he turns his attention to where I am and starts walking over to me. My eyes widen and I try to squeeze in more, but end up hitting my head and making noise.

"Oi! Was that you, Dan?" the man asked Daniel. I looked up at him, just to see him staring directly at me.

"Yeah! Sorry! I hit my leg when I was walking" he said, not moving his gase from me. I widened my eyes at him and my jaw dropped. I can't believe it. Daniel just saved my butt.

"Alrighty son. Hurry up!" the man yelled out, coughing after he said it.

That man needs some kind of medicine for that throat.

"Ok, boss!" Daniel yelled, walking towards me. When he was right next to me, He kneeled down and looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Your whole butt is showing" he said, making me blush and scoot my butt towards the little hole under the seats.

"Thanks for saving my arse.... metaphorically and literally" I said in a sightly shaky voice. He looked up at me with an expression I really didn't understand.

"Anything for you, Marissa" Daniel said, with a genuine smile. I smiled back at him with the same amount of geniatily as he had. But then he had that weird mixed emotion thing going on again, and he said, "But before I forget to tell you. Marissa..... I want to say that.... I um... lo-"" he started, but was interuppted by the old man poking his head into the car.

"What's taking you so long, boy?" the man said. Daniel slowly stood up and looked at the man.

"I was trying to get the 5$ bill, that's stuck in between the seat" he said, and the old man laughed.

"Boy, we don't have time for that! Let's go! We have to find her!" the man said, reaching for Daniel and grabbing him by the collar. "Come on" he said to Daniel.

"But I really wanted that dollar" he said sadly, but by the way he was looking at me, I could tell he was trying to tell me something. I just couldn't figure out want.

"There's plenty of other 5$ bills in the sea! Let's go!" the man said, now getting impatient. Daniel sighed and started walking backwards towards the bald, fat man.

'Bye' he mouthed to me imediately, and turned around a couple seconds after that, following the man out.

When the car was empty of the two I crawled to the front, just to see them all the way by the stop sign. "I can make a run for it the other way!" I whispered excitedly, slowly going towards the hole of the car.

As soon as I got to it, I jumped out and made a run for it.

Bad idea...

There were to goons behind the car, and when I reached the back of the car, they grabbed me and put a napkin on my mouth. "Boss! We got her!" the one that wasn't holding me yelled out.

"Wet m ga!" I yelled, my words muffled by the napkin.

"Shhh" the guy that was holding me said, grinding his body onto me. I cringed and tried to tear myself away from him, but he would just hold on tighter and rub his.. junk... on me butt.

"Yo sck prv!" I yelled, making him laugh.

A couple seconds later the old man and Daniel show up, both with a gun in hand. My eyes widened and eyebrows raised as I realized that fact. The old man saw my panick and laughed. "Don't worry. We'll only shoot you if we don't get what we want" he said, with a smirk.

Well, that just made my day.



Haha that rhymed.


"Daniel, go drive the car away 10 miles away from here, then walk back here" the man said. Daniel looked over to me with worried eyes and slowly nodded, mouthing a 'sorry' to me as he went into the car and drove away.

Great. Now I'm stuck with an old man with a gun, a possible drug dealer, and a pedophile. Could this get any better?

Just as I was about to start crying, when I saw the Walker boys driving full speed towards us. "Let her go!" they all yelled as they started running towards us.

But what happened next, happen to fast for me to fully realize it.

All I know is that now the old guy was holding me, with the gun at my head, and the two goons were now on the right and left of me. The guy that was basically humping me, was on the left and a lot closer to me then the other one.

At least the other one understands what personal space means.

"Move closer, and I'll shoot her" the man said, clicking off the safety on the pistol.

"Don't do it Jeremy!" Austin yelled, taking a threatening step towards us. The man pressed it against my head, making me yelp in pain.

"Don't move any closer!" the man said, accidently hitting the trigger.

"No!" the boys yelled out, and that was the last thing I saw. Their terrified and worried faces.

And right after that, all I saw was darkness....


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