Oops, I did it again

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It's been a week and none of them have left my side. At first I thought it was really caring of them to do that, but now it's as annoying as hell.

Austin sleeps in my bed everynight, and he snores like no one's business. If I want to go shopping or anywhere outside Kade and Ethan come too, and they are really slow walkers. So slow that even if I attached a jet to the back of them they would be going .000002 miles an hour!

If I want to pee, Darren guards the bathroom door. If I want to eat something, one of the guys cook it to make sure it wasn't poisoned.

I can't even open my stupid windows in my room!

"Guys, this is getting stupid! Nothing has happened to me and it's been a week, almost two! Just relax and give up already with that stupid 'operation bodyguard' stuff that you're doing!" I yelled on a Friday evening, when they were arguing about who get to bring me to the mall. They all turned towards me, looking at me like I'm retarded.

"When we stole their things we also broke them, Marissa. But they don't know that. They think if they capture you, they'll get their stuff back, but we aren't giving it to them. Once they find out they're broken he'll kill all of us!" Austin whispered. I rolled my eyes and shot my hip out.

"They haven't taken me yet, so what makes you think they'll take me at all. Maybe that note was just supposed to make you paranoid, so that they could take their things back!" I replied back in a slightly hushed tone. They all looked at each other with wide eyes, before running up the stairs, probably to see if the things were actually taken.

"Escape time" I said to myself in a sneaky voice, running to the front of the door and opening it. When I opened the door, I was automatically hit with fresh air.

Not wanting ti be seen, I ran over to one of the cars, which happened to be a Mercedes Benz, and opened the driver door of the car. Hoping into the car, I brought out the spare keys they had, which they always hid under the seat of the driver's, and sped turned on the car. When I looked towards the house, I saw the guys running towards me with full speed, yelling out words I couldn't make out.

Not waiting for them to be able to catch me, I hit the gas and zoomed out of the driveway.

In the side mirror I could see them panicking, making me roll my eyes.

"They have to calm down" I said in an annoyed voice as I watched them run around like wild banshees.

After five minutes a car started to follow me, copy every turn I did, every lane switch I made, every sign I stopped at, etc.

"Must be the guys" I said as I stopped at a red light. I turned to look out the back window to see who was following me, but the windshield was pitch black. I tried to see through it, but it was no use. Then I looked at the car and my eyes widened.

None of the Walkers own that car!

I turned back around and tried to control my heavy breathing. Something was wrong, and I knew it. All my common sense was ripped out of my mind as I tried to understand what was going on.

"Oh no! Oh no no no no no" I chanted, shaking my head and closing my eyes. The guys were right. Someone is trying to take me. And I was stupid enough to go by myself!

"I have to lose them" I said, just as cars started beeping. I looked up and saw that it was already green light. "You can do this, Marissa" I said as I sped off 80 mph into a random neighborhood. Thankfully there were no cars in the street and the children that I saw, obeyed their parents and played in the grass and not on the street. After a couple seconds the car that has been following me for the past five minutes started to zoom down towards me, making me do a perfect U turn and zoom back towards the intersection.

"Wow! Playing Grand Theft Auto really does help!" I said surprised, as I turned to the right and towards a now empty street. I don't know why, but this part of Arizona has been pretty empty since the start of summer break. Maybe no one wanted to be hear at that time or something.

I don't know...

But what I do know is that I have no idea where I am now...

And I just ran out of gas.

"Mother-" I said, slamming the steering wheel and looking behind me. "I'll have to run" I whispered to myself. I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and dialed the first number that came to mind.

"Marissa! Are you ok?" Darren said in a panicked voice. I started to breathe heavily.

"My car's out of gas and there's a maniac following me! Of course I'm ok!" I yelled out at him.

"Where are you?" Darren said urgently.

"I don't know" I said shakily.

"Ok, get out of the car and look at the sign closest to you. BUT BE CAREFUL!" I heard Darren say. I nodded, even though he couldn't see, and got out of the car.

"Ok, they aren't here yet" I said as I ran to the street sign. I looked up at the block letters on the green board and read out the words.

"I'm on Edikin St." I said, running back towards the car. "What do i do now?"

"Marissa! Darren left to get the address of the place. Get into the car, lock all your doors, and hide in the trunk of the car under the seats!" Kade yelled out quickly.

"Gottcha!" I yelled out as I did what I was told. When I got under the seat in the back, I raised the phone up to my ear and said, "What now?"

"Keep the phone on, but lower our volume so that the people won't hear us if we talk. And keep quiet!" Austin whispered. And just then, I heard a car door slam out side.

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