Chapter 1

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The thing about me, Mark Fischbach, is that I don't die. I've tried cutting myself and nothing works, tried putting a bullet through my brain, I even put my hand in a blender, but nothing happens, just small paper cuts. The blades couldn't get past my bone to mangle my fingers. That's pretty cool, right? I thought I was a god or something, I couldn't die so that gave me the opportunity to be with my friends and family forever, but they weren't like me and died. Pretty soon everyone I cared about or loved just left me, I know it's not there fault, but it hurts seeing the people you love grow old and die while you basically sit there with no say or power to stop it or slow it down.
The pain they went through while dying couldn't match up the pain I went through... I'm tired of all the death. I cut myself off from people, minding my own business going to work then home day after day trying not to have any emotional attachment to anyone or anything, because I knew they would just leave me. I was completely miserable, but then I made the mistake of falling in love.

Thick heavy white covers don't allow me to leave the warm embrace of my bed and there's no other way I would have it especially on this weekend. I stare at the ceiling thinking of how much food I have in my fridge, when I last went shopping, when I last seen a human face that wasn't on my phone screen. My weak arms gain there strength and I rip the covers off walking to the kitchen putting a pot of coffee to brew while I walk over to the food bowl on the floor.

"How's everything little buddy?"

I flip the little keychain virtual pet game and see that's it's dead. Oops.

"Next time. I'll try to make it to level 2."

Once the coffee is done I let it simmer on the hot plate so it doesn't lose it's boiling tempt and find clothes to wear; slim fit jeans, and a hoodie. I attach Wilford my now dead virtual pet to my keys and leave the house.
I step into the elevator and a women smiles to me, I shot one back, she has a dog that won't stop sniffing my shoe, how I wanted to steal her dog so I don't have this stupid keychain pet. The silver box came to a halt at the very top of the floor and I walk a small flight of stairs to reach the roof, it was a tiny bit windy outside, but nothing to extreme. I sit at the edge of the building and place my white earbuds into my ear and play my music on full volume in my ears. Happy Poor starts to play with it's elegant piano piece and soft hip hop beat allowing me to find a release for all stress, I sip the burning coffee and sigh seeing my breath now thicker from the coffee.

Look at all those people, regular faces pass and I give a weak smile seeing that they are doing okay. I wonder how things would work if they knew someone cares about them but they can't see that someone, whoa did I just described myself as God?
It sometimes feels that. Being immortal and looking down on all these faces and hoping I see them again. I have too much time on my hands, I stand up with my toes hanging off the edge feeling the breeze encouraging me to take a step, I know I can't die, but I don't want to push the limit by jumping to see if I live.


I drove to GameStop to buy more games, because I literally played all my games twice, so I thought It was time to get something new, I went to the same store for as long as I could remember and thought I seen all the people who visit daily until I seen him, a new face?
I seen him looking at the games in the survival horror section, he had green hair and wore a type navy blue hoodie and sweats. To not raise suspicion I slowly make my way to the side he was on, hiding behind a shelf of games I see my opportunity to get next to him, but as soon as I start to walk towards him he leaves the section and I'm forced to look at what he was.
He's now on the other side of the store browsing so I repeat the process, this time I'm going to ask his name and interest. I stand straight and puff out my chest turning the corner and walking to him but he walks my direction and my eyes widen, think of something fast Mark! But he's gone already past me on to a different section of the store, I should just quit. I look at the horror section seeing the games lazily put back, probably the guy with green hair, I pick it up adding it to the pile of games I'll be getting. I see more games I'm assuming he picked out but didn't want and read into them until I see a figure approach next to me, it's him. I watch careful from the corner of my eye at what he is picking out, he picks one of my favorite games and now for sure this is my opportunity.

"Do you-"
"That's my-"

We both turned and spoke at the same time, I never expected this to happen. My face is hot and my chest is aching, I felt like I was thrown back he had the most beautiful blue eyes, a shade on his chin evidence of a few weeks since he shaved, (which was really hot) and the most perfect smile.

"Sorry you can go first."

"No, I interrupted you."

He laughs a slightly annoying but adorable laugh that lightens up my face with a wide smile he also had a Irish accent.

"I was going to ask if you think I should get this game?"

I'm spaced out by how this man is so cute and even more cute in what he was wearing, he was drowning in that hoodie. I wanted so badly to wrap my arms around his waist and lift him up in a embrace.

"Hello? You there?"

He snaps his fingers in my face ripping me back to reality.

"Um, yea, it's really good, If you're the kind of person who gets a kick out of being scared, then yes. I highly suggest it."

He runs his hand through thin green hair and walked over to the counter to buy his game, I snatch whatever I could and followed him tripping over my two left feet and landing on the counter trying to play it off, good thing I can't feel pain either.

"Maybe I could give you some pointers and such...on the game."

"Yea, sure of course."

I stand there still leaning against the counter staring at him in silence, admiring every curve of his face.

"I guess, I'll give you my number?"

Green hair said.

"God! I'm going...yea ok, let me just."

I laugh nervously fishing in my pocket, I took out my phone with a pink mustache on the case and tell him my number. He noticed Wilford and laughs.

"Whoa, you still have one of these! I haven't seen these things since I was a kid."

"You can have him. I can't keep it alive past the first day, I'm pretty sure he'll be in better care with you."

I hand over the little toy and I could swear I can see it smile when he fell into his new owners hands. We exchange numbers and he thanks me again for the game and he's gone.

"Real smooth."

The woman said to me before putting my game in a bag.

"Actually, I didn't want that game let me find a few more."

While I'm looking my phone starts vibrating.


"Hey, its me from the store just making sure you didn't give me a fake number or something, when should we meet?"


"Yea, you said you would give me tips and stuff on how to play."

I mentally punch myself in the face, how could I forget that fast already, Idiot!

"Will tomorrow be okay?"

"That's fine."

"I'll text you my address, see ya then."

"Alright, and your little friend will live to see next week." He ends his call with a laugh and I start my day with a smile, ear to ear type of smile. The one that will make your face ache.

I grab a few more games and paid for them, when I walk out I felt a few rain drops hit my face while I'm walking, I better get home fast, but before I do I head to the store to buy some food for my new guest.

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