Chapter 33

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Jack died. He was gone and so was a part of me. He died peacefully and quick the doctor told me like it would make me feel better but all I could do is cry and yell at him that he's lying to me.

They didn't show me his body because they knew what it would do to me and I'm glad I didn't see him pale and lifeless.

I drove home and laid on the bed of dead rose petals all of them changed from there beautiful red color to a dark dirty red look, hard and fragile to the touch and I can find myself relating to dead rose petals. Have I gone insane?

I'll slowly head that way without Sean. I can already see myself stuck in a white patted room repeating gibberish, it felt as if the bed moved like someone has sat with me.

"I'm sorry."
Melanie's voice could be heard, but I just continue to lay there staring at the ceiling.
"Sean wouldn't want you to be like this. I hope you know that. He'd want you to move on and be happy, but not to forget him."
She was right, but I didn't want to try and move on because I'm scared I might forget him.
"You don't want to talk I get it, but here. Sean gave this to me the night before he passed."
She gently sets it down on the bed and walks out of the house.
"I'll be back tomorrow."

Dead roses surrounding a damaged and useless no body like me.
I wake dusting off broken petals from my face, it's cold and quite in our room. I can't even say our room anymore. Jack is gone so it's just my room, well mine and depressions room.

The kitchen is sad without the energy of Jack laughing and screaming the lyrics to whatever song came on the "I'm a strong woman" Pandora station, even if he didn't know the song. I pull a knife from the drawer and line it up to my slow beating heart, there isn't a good enough reason to be alive without my Jacky.

I push the knife against my chest thinking it'll go through me and straight into my heart, but it just bends like a cotton swab in a kindergartens strong grip. Why isn't my body letting me die? I don't want to live anymore! I grab another and stab it into my chest and it does the same as the first, but that doesn't stop me. I grab knife after knife stabbing myself in various places on my body hoping one with get through and end my life.

"It's not fair. I can't do this without you Jack."
I go back to my room cleaning off my face from tears while I do then flop back on my bed to sleep.

I wake and see that the roses were scattered all over the floor now and the letter Amy left hanging off the bed.
I pick it up and begin to read it.

Mark I love you more than words can say and I'm writing this to tell you that I won't be alive the next day to tell you myself. I love you so much Mark and I'm sorry that I had to leave you like this if I had a choice I would of went to Paris like you did and find that witch doctor and tell them to make me like you so I can be with you forever, but I wasn't going to become what you called a monster. Your not a monster either Mark you were the most kind and loving person I've ever had the pleasure of loving, but you can't lose hope just because I'm gone I know it'll hurt you, but you can't try to kill yourself for my sake I'd want you to live. I have something I didn't tell you about and I hope that this isn't to much for you, but this is the reason you have to stay alive. I put Melanie number below and she knows about you so please call her and tell her you're ready for my secret.


What was he talking about? She knows about me? He has something for me? I quickly look for my phone and call Melanie waiting for her to pick up and she does after a few rings sounding tired.
"Mark? Is that you?"
"Yes, I just read the letter Jack wrote and he said he had something for me that I needed to call you for."
"Are you sure you can do this?"

Concern was now the emotion in her voice and I was a little scared myself, but if Jack left me something I'm going to treasure it.
"Yes just please get here fast."
"Okay I'm getting ready."

She hangs up and I rush to the bathroom to wash my face off then ran down stairs cleaning up. I read the letter over and over again waiting for Amy to come over with what Jack left me, what did he mean by she knows about you? Did he tell her about me being immortal?

After a few hours I pull out my phone to call again before hearing the doorbell, its her.

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