Chapter 12

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Sean rested his head on my chest as we held each other like it was the last time we'll ever know one another's touch. I played with his green hair while he listened to the beating of my heart tapping his fingers on my chest matching the exact rhythm of it's function.

"It beats for you're existence."

Sean grabs hold on my shirt pulling me into his embrace inhaling sharply as he holds me, my heart beat increases and he notices.

"Is that also my doing?"

His words are muffled from our embrace, I can feel his smile through the fabric of my shirt.
I rest my face on the top of his head inhaling the scent of his hair and plant a small kiss.

"My heart belongs to you baby. Anything that happens to it is because of you."

"So if you're heart skips a beat it's because of me?"

"Who else can have that affect on me?"

I say like it's obvious and he smiles in awe.

"What if your heart stops beating?"

I doubt that would come so quick babe.

"I'd give away my heart to make you happy."

I can only imagine the fantasies his head desires and feel sick to my stomach, because it'll never be reality just the dreams of a fool in love.
There isn't a way I can tell him easily that I don't die so we won't be able to die surround by our grandchildren on the porch.
I promise myself to make sure Sean receives a long life with me until he no longer needs me, I want to make this man happy. My boyfriend.

"Do you realize I'll have to go home soon."

Sean shifts so he lays on top of me with his chin on my chest staring at each other.

"Can't you stay just one more night."

"I don't have any clothes Sean."

He looks at me with a annoyed expression. Does he maybe think I don't want to spend the night? I really can't because I'd like to go home sometime.

"You can just wear something from my closet."

I burst into uncontrollable laughter and Sean still laying on my chest playfully punches me.

"I doubt any of you're clothes will fit me."

"I have a pair of basketball shorts you can wear. There pretty big on me so I'm sure they'll fit you."

I push Sean off me and walk over to his closet opening it to see a mess of clothes on the floor in two sections; clean and dirty I suppose. I look at the clothes hung on the rack and see a lot of blue and green, what a odd pair of clothes to wear together. There was one red in the entire closet and that was a hat, I put it on and admire myself until my eye caught a different color in the Christmas clothes, it was purple. I try to guess what it was in the time it took me to walk to it; a hoodie? Shirt? Probably pants? A dress. It was a gown you would wear to a fancy party with gold trimming, a price tag was still attached.
I pull it from the rod where the rest of his clothes hanged and held it out a little confused, why does he have this? I walk out and his eyes widen and a frown grows on his perfect lips.

"What's this?"

He jumps up taking it from my hands and throwing it back into the closet and slamming the door shut, seeing it's disordered appearance I only question more.

"It's nothing forget it."

"Is it yours?"

I ask not caring if it is but he replies with a monotone voice.



"Yes, can we forget about this now?"

He falls back into bed with crossed arms and I know I ignited something in him to get him upset and I could care less I want to know about the women who loved my green haired dummy.

"Why do you still have it?"

"Because it was suppose to be a gift celebrating a long time."

"What happened?"

He burst out into a loud yell that throws me off and honestly breaks my heart to know this small adorable man can be this way, I want to see less of that side of him.

"I don't want to talk about it alright just stop!"

I walk to the other side of the bed where he sat and climbed into his lap facing him and taking his face in my hands.
Sean's face was warm and he tried so hard to avoid looking me in my eyes, my heart broke as I try to make our eyes lock.

"Sean, S-sean look at me. Look at me babe, I won't ever hurt you like she did, understand?"

His soft eyes are now staring deep into mine and I can see the urge to cry in his glistening eyes. I repeat again and his hands move to my hips slowly snaking around me, he hugs his small arms around my wide muscular torso burying his face in my chest.

"I won't ever hurt you like she did. I'll be here by your side when you need me, I'll cut my own heart out for you, I'll give my last breath to make sure yours are full enough for you to swim to the surface, I'll love you until our days end, because I love you and I always will."

Sean looks up to me with watery eyes he wasn't crying, but he was really hurt by this woman to cause him to choke up at her remembrance.

"Tell me about this girl."

"I don't want to just let's please forget about it."

We both lay in his bed like before and I kiss his head inhaling his scent once again, he has a secret I hope that won't affect our relationship.

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