Chapter 13

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I slip from his arms and text him to let him know I'm gone, he slightly shifts when my belt jingles and I quickly leave hoping he doesn't wake.
He must of gotten out of that relationship recently if he still has that gift for her. Her, who could leave Sean? He's so kind and funny and attractive it seems impossible to leave him and insane to do so, this women must be sick in the head, this women must be blind to not see how important he is, this women is indeed insane for leaving him, she's missing out on a lot. And now the "a lot" she's missing out is mine I could be twice the man she is....or woman. Wait, what if I'm not twice his ex because I'm not a women. The thing I fear about being with a bisexual man is that he is probably more interested in female then male, even if Sean tells me he's interested in men more than females it'll still be in the back of my head clawing it's way to my main focus.
I'm just over thinking, it's fine, it's not like he's still messing around with her. My message was read but no answer I hope he's not upset, my phone dings a minute after I checked it notifying me of my boyfriend's text.

Green hair: is this about last night?

Me: no of course not, I'm just at home really quick, I'll be back.

Green hair: good because I have morning wood😁

There was a picture sent of his erection and I laugh.

Green hair: i must be a boy scout because I'm pitching a tent😉

I laugh at his horribly funny bathroom humor and reply.

Me: you're horrible!!!😂😆

My apartment building was quite not even the same child who would roll around on his scooter, just the guard in the front reading a magazine. I smile when he sets his eyes on me, but he rudely goes back to reading his magazine. What's his problem? I push the call button on the elevator and wait, I can feel the guard staring daggers in the back of my head. It's so unsettling, I start to sweat; luckily the doors part and I rush in planting myself flat against the silver wall.
My pants vibrate and I check my phone seeing a message from Sean telling me to hurry.
The silver doors open and before my first step can touch the floor the same old African American women was there, she was wearing a white knitted sweater and a long floral skirt, her hair pulled back and glasses on the tip of her nose.

"How is he?"

I give her a puzzled look, the doors shut and we're both in the elevator together.


"Don't play dumb. I'm talking about the cutie you adore so much."

I clear my throat, she must of seen us around the block because of how close together we live.

"He's good. I'm taking him on a date."

"That's sweet," she glances at me smiling.
"I haven't been on a date in so long, I miss ballroom dances and elegant lights."

She sways left to right and turns to face me extending a hand, I take it and spin her slowly. She laughs and I do as well seeing how happy this women is.

"You love that man forever. You never know when he could be taken from you."

She steps out the doors into the garage and I stand there feeling sick to my stomach.

"What's your name?"

"Mrs. Cole."

The doors closing and I watch her walk into the underground parking lot, the doors narrowing on her as they came closer to each other until she was gone and I was shown a slightly distorted reflection in the silver doors reflection.


"I'm going to take you out on a date."

Sean gives an alarming noise and I can hear the confusion in his voice while I twist his hair around my finger, he was resting his head on my lap. I stop knotting his hair and look in his puppy dog eyes.

"What do you have in mind?"

"We can have a really cliche date where we go on the roof of my apartment building and have a candle lit dinner."

"Cliche dates are good ones."

"But I'm not cliche, baby."

My index finger hooks under Sean's jaw and raises his face to match mine kissing him passionately remembering what Mrs. Cole told me about how I could lose him whenever.

"Come over to my house at 11PM."

I whisper against his pink lips.


It was half an hour before 11 and I knew exactly what I wanted to do for him. The rooftop dinner did sound good, but I needed to do something original for Sean not a romantic comedy date.
I decided to take him to a roller rink and we hang out at this huge field where me and my friends would go to watch the stars or just fuck around, I did miss them a lot. My sob story was beginning to surface but I shake it off getting dress for my date, I'm wearing my lucky flannel this time, but I'm not trying to get lucky with Sean, I can have him undressed in the snap of my fingers.
I haven't had a kind of relationship like that in ages, a Dom and Sub, it was very interesting and fun, but I'll be alright with missionary position and a good blow job from Sean, goodness, I'm getting off track. I ran a hand through my tousled hair and grab my keys.

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