Chapter 31

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I return to see Melanie standing outside of Jacky's door crying I was very curious to see what she could be crying about until I look into the small panel window, I sees him, my heart breaks.

Jack laid in the hospital bed with a long tube in his mouth smaller tubes in his nose and many other contraptions I didn't know the name of.

I open the door and I look over to Amy who just turns around and cries into her balled up sleeve. I walk slowly seeing how much of the machine he is hooked up to, all this just to keep him alive, a doctor walks in and so does Amy.

"What's wrong with him? Why is he like this?"
The doctor takes off his glasses and sighs preparing to deliver bad news.
"Which one of you are taking care of him?"
I answer to him saying he's my husband and the doctor even sighs harder. What is it? Just tell me!
"Where not sure what Sean here has. It has cancer written all over it but when he got his test results back it showed negative. It could be a extreme virus of some sort that we never delt with but where still going to run some test to find out what it really is and how we can kill it."

"Why was he throwing up like that?"
"Whatever it is that's feeding off him isn't letting him keep much down."
I kneel down and lightly graze my knuckles along his cheek seeing his eyes close tightly.
"How are we going to prevent him from starving to death?!"

I say in almost a yell and I can see how scared the doctor got backing away slightly in defense mode with both hands up.
"Right now he have this tube going down his throat to keep him breathing, because the vomit didn't pass through his throat entirely. Then this tube is pumping different liquid foods just to see if the thought of him using his mouth to eat is what causes him to throw up."
I lift the hospital gown and see the tube going into his side then notice he's in a gown and not the clothes he arrived in.

"Where's the hoodie he had?"
"It had dry blood on it so we bagged it and put it with the rest of the things he arrived in."
"I need that sweater it's his favorite and he needs it now!"
I'm now hearing the aggravation in my voice. Melanie giving me that "don't tell them how to do there jobs" look, almost like a mother scolding her child.
"Nurse we need the clothes this patient arrived in!"

When they arrive I open the bag and pull out his navy blue sweater bringing it in for a sniff then lay it over him then kissing his forehead. His eye lids flutter again.

What is he dreaming about? Is he even dreaming at all? I sigh and stroke his tired head making all his hair go back instead of to the side lazily, he's gorgeous.

Melanie joins me placing her hand on my shoulder, I look up to her.
"Come with me, Mark."
I stand placing a kiss on his cold forehead then walking with Melanie out of the room.

We both went to the grocery store just across the hospital because she was hungry. I felt on edge leaving him there, I left I should be there, but she suggested we both get out of there so we don't keep our minds dwelling on the possibility of Jack not surviving, but I know my husband. He's going to make it.
"What do you want?"
"I'm not hungry."
She raised her voice and I stop dead in my tracks watching her.
"You need to eat something. It's been two days now and we both need to eat something."

I look around the place and pick out some soup and crackers. Melanie got everything needed to make the world's largest sandwich, strangers probably thought she was opening her own sub shop.
I stirred around the spoon in the plastic container the soup came in occasionally taking a few sips.
Melanie at the table across me was fixing herself up a sandwich longer than any regular one from Subway.

"Since you've known Jack longer, what is he like?"
She hesitates to place the last slice of cheese on the pile of tomatoes, she gulps hard, that sandwich isn't going to be able to hold all she's putting in.
"Jack is special. He's always happy, you'll never see a frown on his face, he is caring and extremely goofy."
"Haha, he is goofy. I remember on our honeymoon when I took him to Italy he thought all the restaurants were Olive Garden."
"Did he ask the waiter how to say Olive Garden in spaghetti?"
"Yes! And the waiter just walked away so disappointed."

We both laughed for a good minute.
"Can I ask you something, Melanie?"
"Sure, what is it?"
I hold the words in my mouth tasting them debating spitting them out and getting an answer or upsetting her.
"Why did you leave Sean?"
"I really didn't leave him. I still check up on him and such because he is my good friend, but I broke up with him because he was really struggling with what he liked. He told me one day that he was feeling strange things towards men and as much as it hurt me to hear this I didn't hate him or anything like that, because he was more than my boyfriend, he was my best friend. I let him go so he can figure out what he wanted but I didn't cut him off completely because he couldn't leave his so-"

"Mr. Fischbach! Jack is awake and wants to see you."
The nurse cuts her off and we both quickly stand leaving an empty container and half eaten sub on the table.

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