Chapter 2

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I get home soaking wet, guess I wasn't fast enough to beat the rain. I walked to the bathroom and stripped all my clothes off leaving me in my boxers as I walked to the living room drying my hair with a towel.
I sat on the couch and set the five games I got on the coffee table wondering which one to play first, but Green hair keep popping up in my head with his Irish accent; adorable small lips, and how he looked like he was drowning in that large navy blue sweater.
I stare at my phone wondering if I should text him, but I'm going to see him tomorrow so why talk to him now if we can talk later. I don't want to talk about just the video game, but I want to get to know him.
I wonder what he's like? He seemed to be shy and really chill when it comes to hanging out, he won't be like those other guys who'll want to go to places to hangout, just stay at home and relax; watch a movie or play video games. I've been doing that alone for so long that I would actually adore the idea with someone to join me.
Oh, fuck it!
I unlock my phone and clicked my contacts looking for Green hair's number, but then felt my stomach twist because... he was the only number in my phone.
How could I have been so stupid the one rule I have: Don't make friends, because they'll end up like the rest of you're friends. Gone.
I stiffen up and let my phone slip from my hands and fall to the ground. I slowly fell back into the couch grabbing the toss pillow from behind me and holding onto it tight burying my face into it. How could I have forgotten my number one rule for some guy I thought is cute?
"I didn't even get to know what Green hair's name is."
I thought to myself as I traced circles in the pillow I was holding. I still think he's cute, but I shouldn't. Even things that aren't alive leave me, I think to myself as I remember Wilford.

The next day

The sun shinned in my face waking me up, but I violently shut the curtains and flop back on the couch, my phone was still on the floor, but I didn't even bother, I just flipped through the selections looking for something to watched on Netflix.

It was around 11:00 PM when I got a text. I knew it was from Green hair, but I didn't want to give any of my attention for I'll only keep hurting myself.
The texts keep coming in one after the other, until I broke pausing my movie to see what he said.

Green hair: I can't start this game without you.

I hope you didn't stand me up....

I will knock on every door near GameStop, until I find you, 'Video game master'!

You there?

Me: I'm sorry, but I'm not the "video game master" I thought I was, so I can't help you.

I felt broken inside.

Green hair: That's alright, still come over and we can beat this game and both be the "video game master"

Me: I don't know.

I put my phone on silent and set it down on the glass coffee table covering my head with the pillow and falling asleep. I should probably block his number.

"Hey, mom. I met someone."
She laughs and looks up from the lasagna she was preparing to focus me.
"Are you sure about that, Mark? Last time you said that it was a girl in your little game."
"We promised not to talk about Julia."
She places the strip of noodle onto the sauce and dries her hands to sit next to me, she gave me the warmest smile.
"Tell me about her."
"It's a he mom."
"Look at you Marky!"
She says excitedly and holds my hands in her cold damp hands.
"He's so funny and cute, very kind and thoughtful. You'll love him, mom."
"If he loves my Markimoo then he's part of the family."
"I love you, Mom."
She hands me a cookie and looks at me with the same smile as before before putting a finger to lips.
"Wake up."

The doorbell rang waking me, who the hell could this be at my door? It's dark outside for God's sake!
I open it and see Green Hair standing there still in his large sweater, but wearing jeans this time, I push my glasses up my nose and blink rapidly, this can't be real. How did he find me? And why is he here? Is he that determined to finish this game?


I can't find words at all at this time so I just wave him in with a twitch of a smile on my lips.

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