Chapter 25

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A week later

The sun was beating down on me and as we walked the beautiful streets of Italy, using some of the money I keep safe I flown us here when we both woke up on a private jet, Jack loved it so much. He beamed brightly at everything that we passed, the boats in the river he loved, the old buildings, restaurants, everyone's Italian accent, even a rat we seen run out of a restaurant. Jack laughed excitedly as he seen it saying.
"Look babe it's a Italian rat!"
Even though I didn't really see a difference between an American rat and a Italian rat, but he told me the Italian rat is different because it can cook. I corrected him and told him that Paris rats can cook not Italian rats and he told me that rats from different places have different skills like a rat from Russia has the power to kill an entire state with just a sickness then I questioned my existence, because I'm talking about rats from states with my husband.
After the heated conversation about rats and states we went to a nice dinner in a ratless restaurant.
After we ate Jack and I went on a boat ride in the beautifully lit river of Italy, I help him on to the somewhat shaky boat.
"It's okay, babe."
He sat down in between my legs and I snake my arms around him holding him close to me as the man pushed us through the river. It was beautiful. Every bridge we passed under he insisted on kisses under it and we did, because Jack's a romantic fool.

"How are you liking your honeymoon?"
"It's great, Mark. This place is amazing."
He untangles himself from my arms and sits next to me to see all around. And seeing the beautiful lights reflect in his ocean blue eyes were just heartwarming to me, I could die happy right now.
"I can take you to more places like this."
"Using your money?"
"I have a lot of it don't worry."
He sighs and looks over the boat into the water, I join him. He still looks beautiful distorted like that.
"It's not that, how are you going to leave if anyone finds out your secret?"
"I won't have to. It's 2018 who's actually going to believe that?"
"I guess you're right."
I hook my index finger under his chin and tip his head up to look me in the eyes while holding on to his hand like I'm going to lose him.
"No- you don't guess, you know. We're safe no one or nothing is going to separate us. Understand?"

Jack closes the gap between us, our lips molding together perfectly without flaw.
When our boat ride comes to it's end we are on the other side of the city, getting out I spot a nice hotel and a plan comes to mind that I will use later, but for now me and Jacky will walk around and shop.
"I'm going to treat you, baby."
"Don't blow all your money, Mark.
"Our money and I don't think it's possible to blow $450,000 in one day,"
His eyes widen and he is has a lost for words.
"That's only half the suitcase."
"Holy shit, Mark! How did you even get that much money?"
"I'll tell you later, but let's get you some things."

We walk into a store and I buy my little prince a Gucci belt with men's red bottoms and a furry tiger print blazer.
"Damn, look at you."
"I look like hundred bucks."
"Correct: you're wear 2,000 bucks."
He smiles and kisses me happily, we leave the store looking like we just stepped off the run way, Jack flaunting his look like I wear Louis Vuitton snake bag with so much attitude. Together we feel like we can buy this entire city.
Jack pulls out his phone and records us in our Bentley New Continental GT while Formation by Beyoncé played on the radio. When he's done recording he turns to me with a smile, I can see the excitement beaming through his Gucci glasses. He turns down the radio.

"Damn, it feels good to flex on these broke ass bitches."
"Calm down, Jack."
"I want to do something so wild."
What have I created?
"Like do a line of cocaine as long as the Great Wall of China."
"Jesus Christ, Jack!"
This is one wild Irish motherfucker! I push the gas and we speed up.

"Faster, babe!"
I go as fast as I can but only to come to a stop when a police officer starts his lights. Shit. I turn the radio down and I can hear Jack in a whisper.
"Floor it as soon as he gets to the window. Shoot him, Mark."
"What the fuck, Jack! Shut up!"
He comes up to the window and I role it down getting ready to put on my personal face.

"Yes, officer?"
"You do know you were doing 60 in a residential area?"
Shit. I wasn't even thinking about how fast I was going.
"We going to the Louis Vuitton outlet, of course you won't know anything about that, Mr. minimum wage."
"Excuse me?"
"He didn't say anything officer."
After I bribed the police officer with $800 we drove to the underground drag race show, pulling up in a Bentley was probably idea, because everyone gave us ugly looks, but Jack didn't accept that.

He turns up the radio and rolls down the windows so everyone's eyes are on us, Bodak Yellow by Cardi B starts to play, loud.
"Jack. Why!"
He sings loudly along with the song ignoring me.
"This is literally the worst song ever! I'm going to kill myself! Jack, I hate you!"

"You don't even have a pussy, Jack!"
He pulls a bold move and throws up both middle fingers, my foot has never hit the gas so fast. When we are clear from that area I pull over in a dark ally.
"Jack, you need to calm down. What if they had guns or something? We would of been dead...well you would be, but you're not thinking."
"I'm not thinking? That's where you're wrong bitch. I would of popped them."
He pulls out a gun from his Louis Vuitton bag.

I try to take the gun from him, but he puts his hand out to me, stopping me with fear running through me. He pushes his sunglasses up his nose with the gun, oh God this is wild.
"Where did you even get that?"
"Some guy sold it to me with a pound of cocaine."
"So you've been walking around with a pound of cocaine and a gun?"
"Pretty much."
What am I going to do with him?
If that cop would of found out about that he would of arrested us for sure.

"We need to leave this place right now."
"Wait before we go back to the USA can I do cocaine off your dick then have sex in Italy?"

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