Chapter 5

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I wake without my Green haired beauty in my arms, well he isn't "my" Green haired beauty, but I liked the sound of it. I sit up stretching and yawning, I then looked around the room remembering what happened, what happened in the game room, watching him peacefully sleep, but he's not here in my arm....I hope that wasn't a one night stand.
Couldn't of been, because his large hoodie is still on the floor, I grab a pair of joggers and slip them on hurriedly hoping he's out there.
It was barely lit in the hallway of my apartment, but coffee was leading me to the kitchen, so I wouldn't have to search the whole place. He was leaning against the counter drinking coffee in nothing but his jeans and looking at Wilford. Guess I scared him, because when I spoke he jumped almost dropping the toy that doesn't die when in his hands for some odd reason.


"Hi, I made coffee! Hope that's alright."

I lean against the counter opposite from him, my back ached from sleeping in a bed with someone else, I stretch hearing it pop and I do the same to my knuckles. I was scared of being a crazy sleeper and being selfish with covers that I kept a certain position the entire time, but Sean seems to have come out with no bruises or scratches so that's a good sign.

"It's fine."

We sat in silence, almost awkward silence, but the small noises from whatever Sean was doing on his phone and Wilford prevented that, the damn thing was too happy it made me sick.

"Um....about last night...."

I didn't really know where to go with this I just really wanted to talk about it, not in a regretful way, I just want to talk about how amazing it was and going out to a stranger to talk about how I had really good sex would probably land me a night in jail.

"It was nice, Mark, I enjoyed it."

I made a check list of what I wanted to talk about like a business meeting or something.

1. Was it right?
2. Will it happen again?
3. Where does this leave us?
4. Can we do it again?

It was a very short list, but it's what my mind would let me think of.
It was like 10% of my brain had these questions while the other 90% was trying to shake off the sleep to remember ever detail of his body and recall his moans, voice, words, and how he said them.

"I'm glad you enjoy yourself, but-"

Sean interrupts.

"You didn't like it did you?"

"No, believe me I enjoyed it, but...was last night a one night stand? Will we ever see each other again?"

"Yea, sure."

He said it as if he wasn't so happy about it or the idea was so new to him, maybe this was going to be a one night stand and I just caught him before he could disappear. How could those two words make me feel so mad, was it because it wasn't so heartfelt like I want or was it because it's a answer you would tell someone your not interested in. I ignore it and play his same attitude.

"Then that'll make us?"

"Friends. Then we'll see where it goes from there."

Hmm, friends... I know it's not what I want but at least I'll still be near him and that's enough.

"I should probably get going."

I get up from my seat to retrieve Sean's large navy blue hoodie and I hand it to him, he pulls it over his head causing his green hair to look like it did when we got done having sex.
I loved how he looked in that Navy Fucking blue hoodie he was just so adorable; where his hands were suppose to be his fingers were, the collar of the hoodie was open wide exposing his chest, and helm of the hoodie was nowhere near his waist but to his thighs.
He was like a small child drowning in that hoodie, we stood there and I grab him by his lose collar pulling him into my embrace, I completely dominate him wrapping my large muscular arms around him, squeezing him like it was the last time I'll ever see him. We walk to the elevator holding hands like fourth graders. I can see the annoyance in his face, I should probably take it down a few notches.

"I'll see you later then."

Sean reaches for my red hair and pulls me in for a kiss his lips tasted like coffee and he was so warm, now I know why he has that large hoodie, he wasn't suppressing his moans anymore. I pull away from our kiss but only to be pulled in again and he whispers in my ear.

"Maybe next time we can play that game?"

"My PlayStation's broken."

"Mark...I seen you watching Netflix when I came in and your PlayStation was on."

He plants a small peck on my cheek and leaves me in the doorway watching the silver doors close, I felt so heartbroken seeing him leave me like that. I miss him already.

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