Chapter 6

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A/N: I suggest you listen to this song while reading, I was listening to it as I was writing this chapter and I think it fits well, if you don't really like Rock or the band We Came As Romans I suggest you skip out on the song then, just wanted to let you all know, now onward with the story! <3 

Draco's P.O.V

Damn it Gwen is so stubborn, I've been trying to talk to her for the past couple of months the only time she ever says anything to me is if it's for classwork. I sighed as I got on the train, it was now Christmas break and we're headed home. I saw her sitting in a cart alone but didn't bother to go in. When we finally got off at the station she ran to her father. I've met her father a couple of times. I saw my mother and father on the other side and we apperated back home. I went straight up to my room without saying a word. I was looking out my window when I saw my mother had come into my room. "Draco we need to talk" I nodded and she came and sat down next to me. "Well you know the Smiths right?" I wasn't looking at her but still out the window. "You're best mates? Yes I know them" She sighed "Do you get along with their daughter Draco?" I stared at her, is this what this is about? Gwen? "Mother, I-I really like her..." I confessed to my mother because she knows everything about me either ways she would've found out. "You like Gwen?" my mother's face was shocked. "I think I'm in love with her, she's all I could think about mum, her eyes, hair, smile, laugh, everything's perfect" My mum gave me a big smile. "Then why don't you tell her?" My face dropped and my heart started aching. "Mum she's friends with the Weasley's, so if they see her with me they're going to think badly of her, & I don't want that happing to her because of me." She nodded in response. "Does she know why you've been like that to her?" I shook my head and looked away I had to lie to my mother surely if she knew I had a bet with Blaise she'd get mad herself, but I meant every word I said, I actually think I'm in love with her. "Well maybe you can tell her this break, explain everything to her, that's actually why I came here, her family are staying over for the break in the Manor" I felt my heart beat fast thinking of her staying here. "Why are they going to be here?" my mother looked away worried. "The Dark Lord is coming here at any day over the break and there's going to be a meeting about Potter & ......" She went silent I stared at her "And who mother?" She was shaking a little. "You" My face dropped, I knew what the dark lord wanted from me even without her telling me. "Mother I'll do it but if I do..... you have to keep Gwen away from me I'll just put her in more danger" saying that felt like someone tearing my heart out and stomping on it. "No I don't because the Dark Lord is coming to meet both of you." I looked at her and hugged her, I felt tears falling down at the end of this year, and I'm becoming a Death Eater by this summer.

Gwen's P.O.V

As we almost arrived I waited for Ron and Herms to come to our cart to say goodbye. They soon came in and told us we're almost there. We soon arrived at Kings Cross Station, "Well I'll see all of after break, make sure to send me owl and Merry Christmas" I told them all and gave the each hugs. Danny said his byes and we both got off the train. I saw mum and dad had both came to get us and I ran into dad's arms and gave him a huge hug as I did the same with mum. Danny gave his hugs and we walked to end of the station. "How is school so far love?" Mum asked me, "It's going great so far apart from one person" I muttered the ending. My mum gave me a stern look and I smiled cheekily back at her. Once we reached the end we passed by the Malfoys but I didn't stop this time and just kept walking pretending I didn't notice anything. Soon we apparated back to our manor and just went to the dining table to eat. I didn't unpack anything because we were going over to the Malfoy manor. Danny didn't say a word to me but mum and dad were both getting along with him, I guess he didn't tell them he was in Gryffindor but rather lied and said that he was a Slytherin. This isn't going to go well my brother hates and I mean absolutely hates the Malfoys with a passion. I was still hurt from how he doesn't even care about me anymore. Once I finished eating I went up to my room laid my head down on my pillow and fell asleep counting the stars.

Next Morning

I woke up to my father knocking on my door. "Gwen wake and freshen up we're leaving in 30 minutes." I got up and freshened up. I wore a black shorts and tank top with a flannel shirt tied around my waist. I went downstairs to eat. "You have your things ready?" My father asked sipping his tea. I nodded and finished up eating. I got up and brought down my things, as did my mother and father along with Danny. We apperated in front of the gates of the Manor. It was huge and beautiful and looked bigger than our manor. The gates opened and we went up the stair my father rang the bell and Lucius opened the door. "Ah Alex, Nancy you here come in!" I shook his hand as did my brother but again with an emotionless face. "Ahh you're already here!" Narcissa said coming out of the kitchen. I smiled at her and she gave Danny and I hug to which we both accepted. My father and Lucius went off somewhere "Nancy mind helping me with the food?" Narcissa said as she made her way over to me. My mother always helped out and looked very young, she was always very beautiful to me, but I can see that Narcissa looks just as beautiful. "Danny dear I know you're probably tired, your room is on the third floor down the hall and to the left and Gwen yours is on the right" I smiled in response and Narcissa went back into the kitchen, her and mother started chatting. A house elf came to me and offered to take my things. "No it's okay I can take them, thank you though" She smiled in response and left. I hadn't seen Malfoy yet. Maybe he doesn't know I'm here. I took my things in my hands and headed upstairs. As I was going down the hall I bumped into someone and the things dropped out of my hands. "Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I said bending down to pick them up then a hand met mine and I looked up; Malfoy. "It's okay it was my fault anyways, I should've seen you in front of me" I smiled back at him. Wait why'd did I just do that? "Do you need any help carrying them back to the room?" I nodded because I really did need help. "Where's the room my mum told you?" I took my bag and stood up "At the end of this hall to the right" he walked over to the room with me behind him and opened it. It was perfect, a bright white room with the window facing the sun and bright light coming from it, I stood there and awed the room. "Hope you like the room" Draco said putting my things on the bed. "It's perfect Draco." Was all I could say wait did I just call him Draco? Fuck. He chuckled "Back to first name basis are we Gwen?" He said leaning against the door, I scoffed "Of course not Malfoy" I said crossing my arms. He closed the door and started walking towards me, "What do you think you're doing, open the door right now" he didn't say anything and just came closer to me. I took a few steps backwards till he had me pinned on the wall behind me. I went wide eyed and all I could think about was him. He smelled so good because of his expensive cologne. When I smelled him it was like my legs turned into jelly. If he had not been holding me by the waist I probably would've fell. He leaned in my ear and said, "Are you sure we're not on first name basis Gwenny?" My mind wasn't even straight and he knew this. "I-uh I um y-yeah" He gave me the Malfoy smirk and let go of me and chuckled. I knew my face was red as a tomato and I tried looking down but he grabbed my face and cupped my cheeks in his warm hands. I looked deeply into those perfect grey-blue eyes and had gotten lost in them and as much as I tried looking away I just couldn't, he made me feel whole. "You're really cute when you're nervous you know that Gwenny?" I broke contact with him and realized what was going on. "Get out Draco right now, get out of my room" I said pushing him away from me. Before he left he kissed my cheek and started heading for the door. "I'll call you once it's time for dinner" with that he walked out and closed the door behind him. What the hell is his problem? HE can't be doing this, but I'm letting him ugh I'm so frustrated the boy gets me so confused. I sat down and started writing a letter to Chloe she's the only one who knows everything about Malfoy and us considering she's my best friend. Ginny also knows only because she caught us snogging when him and I had a 'thing'. Once I finished the letter I whistled for my owl Cassie and held my arm out for her. She came and I tied the letter to her leg. I gave her a treat and petted her. "Give this to Chloe Grey okay?" My owl hooted and I opened up the window for her and she sore out into the evening sky.

I changed and freshened up and wore before looking at the clock and realizing it was only 7 and dinner doesn't star till 8:30. I took this chance to catch up on some sleep. This was going to be a long break.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I made a little longer than normal because I suck at updating xc hope you enjoyed! Remember to vote o the chapter and comment 

- <3

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