Chapter 1

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Not my pic btw

{3rd person P.O.V}

You and your exceed,Nadia, (in the pic above) Where walking/flying through clover town. You guys where both wearing black cloaks so nobody would notice your identity. Since you guys traveled a lot you would help out towns for money. Since you were an Elemental Dragon slayer you could use all types of magic so the jobs were pretty simple. The towns folks really admired how powerful you were so they started calling you guys the Dragon Empress and her Dragon even tho Nadia is a wolf. This brought a lot of attention to you guys so you kept the on so you can keep your identitys safe. You started your journey from town to town when you where only 14 yrs old. This was when your Dragon left you.

{Flashback your P.O.V}
{Its November 8 x770}
(Start music here)
{P.S 30 mins in is Natsu}

I am 7 years old and it's my birthday today. I was so happy because I finally get to go with my mom and dad to the big parade that happens in our village every 4 year's and now I'm finally old enough to go to it IM SO EXCITED. I can't even stop smiling today.

{Tiny timeskip brought to u by Grey trying to find his clothes}

We had finally gotten to the center of the village and there was a big bonfire that was full of multicolored fire.
I thought nothing could ruin this day,but....I was so wrong. These wizards, 2 guys and a girl came and started trouble. The girl had long red hair that was in braids around her waist and one of the guys had jet black hair and had this creepy smile across his face and his lips where black . Then the other guy had purple skin and blond hair,he didn't look human. Soon they "accidentally " knocked some fire onto a house. Then they mysteriously disappeared.
That's when things started to get bad. The fire was spreading too fast and I was so scared.

"Mommy I'm scared where did daddy go." I said

"Don't worry honey he will be alright." My mom said.

But right when she said that a huge flaming wooden board fell and my mom saw it coming and pushed me out of the way.

"MOMMY!!" I had tears pouring down my cheeks.

"(Y-Y/n) honey you have to run and don't look back."she now had tears pouring down her face while her bottom part of her body was being crushed.Then you can see her deep crimson blood surround her.

"But m-mommy w-what about y-you." you said while grabbing on to her blood covered hand.

"Don't worry about me h-honey I'll be alright, but right n-now you need to run very f-fast and don't look or come back here Ok h-honey." she said while squeezing your hand a little bit.

"O-ok mommy."

"A-and remember honey your dad and I love you very much."

"I love you and D-daddy too m-mommy."

After that my mom gave me a kiss on my forhead and I released her hand and ran as fast as my legs could carry me.I didn't look back I didn't dare look or go back to that place. But I knew one thing I was never gonna see my mommy or daddy again.

{Sad timeskip still a flashback}

It has been 1 year since the death of my parents and the people in the village. I think I was one of the few survivors of that fire, but I didn't dare go back to that village to look. I live in the forest that is at least a few miles away from the,now destroyed village. I had made a small garden to get food since my dad and my mom had a small garden in our backyard so I picked up a few things from both of them. I was only a mile or two away from a small town called peace village. My garden hasn't been giving me a lot of food since it is close to winter time and whenever it came close to this time of year I would have to do beg for food or steal. Which I didn't like either one, but I had to so I can survive.

I was on my way to the village when I heard a loud crash it sounded close by do I went to investigate. When I came to the place where the noise came from I couldn't believe my eyes.

"W-who are you?" I asked scared to find out the answer.

{Acnologia P.O.V}(didn't see that one did u)

I was flying over a forest when a bird flew in my eye and it was annoying. Like when I have to listen to Igneel brag about how he has a Dragon slayer and I don't. Well like I was saying it flew in my eye so I landed and tried to get it out. I didn't know but when I landed I knocked out a bunch of trees. This made a loud crashing noise.

"Shit." I groaned.

Right when I got that nasty bird out of my eye I hear a soft angelic voice ask

"W-who are you?"

I looked down to see a tiny girl with (h/l)(h/c) hair and she also had the most prettiest (e/c) I have ever seen.
"Hello child I am Acnologia, May I ask who you are." I politely asked

"M-my name is (y-y/n) sir."she said while bowing.

"Well (y/n) u have a very pretty name." I said with a soft smile.

"Thank you sir." She smiled then bowed again.

"Child where are your parents may I ask?" Then her smile turned into a frown.

"Well you see sir they were killed in a fire that started in my town on my birthday which is actually today." While she said this a tear streaked down her cheek.I wiped her tear away

"well child I want to say happy birthday and ask, how would you like to stay with me?" Her face lit up with excitement.

"Do you really mean it sir?"
She said while jumping up and down.

"Of course child and please call me dad." Once I said that she ran straight at my leg and gave it a big hug.

"Oh thank you si- I-I mean dad." She gave me a heart warming close-eyed smile and I couldn't help but to smile too.

{Timeskip brought to you by Natsu's abs~💖}

{Your P.O.V}

"I can't beleive what he asked me this is the best birthday present ever I actually have a dad again." I thought.

"(Y/n) how would you like to learn magic?" Dad asked me

Hey Chevy here and I don't know what to call all u guys yet but I will think of a name I swear. Well I hoped u liked this chapter and sorry again if it sucked but I hoped u liked it.
Rednerd out ~😁💖👋


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