Chapter 26

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{Your P.O.V}

{Two years later}

"Hey gramps can I be let out by now I promise I won't kill anyone this time!" I said trying to give him puppy dog eyes. But I ended up giving a face that looked like a cringy snarl.

"You don't look too happy!" Gramps said with a laugh.

"Aw come on gramps I'm still getting use to this whole 'smiling thing' " I said with air quotations.

"Well you have been here for about an hour so you should be fine." He said standing up.

"AN HOUR?" I said as my eyes literally bulged out of my head.

"Yeah you fell asleep for some time. Even when Natsu came in here to free you, you where still out." He said as his everything started to shrink except for his other hand.

"Hey (N/n)~!" Natsu said with his signature smile.

I facepalmed at the sight of my idiot.

"Natsu your an idiot."

"Yeah but I'm your idiot~!" He said as Gramps let him go.

"Unfortunately" I said rolling my eyes.

"You know you Loooovvvveee me." he said while wrapping his arms around me.

Gramps chuckled at the sight of us.

"Ah young love.....Now get out of here and enjoy the rest of your day!" he said while shoving us out the door.

When we got out off his office Natsu took a hold of my hand.

{Third person P.O.V}

"So I have a BIG day planned out for you today!" Natsu said swinging your arms back and fourth.

"Really?!" You said in almost a scream.

Natsu chuckled as he slung his arm around you.

"Yep! And I just know your gonna love it!" he said as we walked into fairyhills.

"Wait wha-!" Before anything else could happen a bag was shoved over your head.

"NATSU!!!!" you screamed

"See you later honey~" he said as he quickly rushed to go get set up.

{Your P.O.V}

I could feel people lifting me up and carrying me to an unknown destination.

"I swear whoever you guys are I'm gonna kick your asses!!!" I said charging up an attack.

"Calm down (y/n) we are just taking you somewhere relaxing!" I heard Nadia yell and I felt a tiny amount of weight on my belly.

"Nadia!?!?! Where have you been? Also where are you guys taking me!!"

"Well Natsu thought that you could use a girls night so~" Lucy said slowly as the group slowly lowered me to the ground.

Then the bag on my head was ripped off and in front of me I saw Lucy, Nadia, Erza, Wendy, and Carla in front of a big spa/bath place with a built in hot spring.

"Awww you guys!!!" I said as I lunged at the five of them for a hug as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"This isn't even the best place we still got another stop after this!!!!" Erza said excitedly.

"Well let's get going then!" I said as they grabbed my hand and dragged me into the spa.

{Somewhere near the spa}

My Little Pyro {Natsu x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now