Chapter 5

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{3rd person P.O.V}

You had just finished your meal when a certain dragon slayer came up to you again.

"Come on (y/n) can you fight me already." Natsu whined

You sighed "fine let's go out to the fighting area."

Everyone came to watch you guys fight. Everyone was betting on you to win even happy.

"You voted for her too happy?! How could you?!"
Natsu yelled

"Sorry Natsu but she crushed grey with only one finger."

{Start the music}

"Ok Natsu you ready?" You said

"Yeah I'm all fired up now."

Natsu got in a fighting stance while you just stood there.
Then he started attacking.

Natsu's flames came at you but you just smirked and let them hit you. When the dust cleared everyone could see fire all around you and then

"Wow your flames are very delicious."
Then all the flames went in your mouth. Everyone stood there in shock. Then Ezra finally said

"Oh yeah we never really asked her what her magic was. What is your magic

"Well you see I'm the Elemental Dragon slayer princess." While you said this all four elememts where surrounding you.

Everyone's jaw dropped.

Then you looked at Natsu and took down the four elements and walked towards him. He didn't know what you where doing so he started throwing punches at you. But you dodged all of them. Then when you where centimeters from his face you whispered in his ear.

"Yoi yume o~."
(Which means sweet dreams)
And Natsu pasted out on the ground.

"And the winner is (Y/N)!!!"
Gramps said.

Everyone cheered while you picked up Natsu and threw him over your shoulders.

You then walked over to team Natsu.

"Hey he is gonna be out for about 24 hours, Happy do you think you can show me where you guys live so I can drop him off?"

"AYE SIR!" happy said while flying in the air.

{Timeskip to Natsu's house}
{Your P.O.V}

I finally arrived to their house and surprisingly the door was unlocked so I walked right in.

When I got in I saw that the place was a mess and while I was tying to take natsu to his room I tripped and fell.

We landed with Natsu's chest in between my legs and his head on my Breast. I blushed a deep crimson.

"Eek!" I screamed

"Happy help get him off of me!!" I tried pushing him off me but I couldn't cause my hands were trapped underneath me.

But happy was no use he just sat there dying of laughter.

I pushed and I pushed but I still couldn't get him off me.

{Timeskip with you still with Natsu on the floor}

"Oh no only 2 minutes till Natsu wakes up and if he sees this I don't know what he'll do" I thought.

Then I felt two warm arms rap around my waist.
I looked down and Natsu was snuggling into me. Then I heard

"You smell absolutely delicious~."

I looked down and saw that Natsu was having a dream while snuggling into me. This made me blush even more, if that was even possible. Then the worse thing that could ever happen happend. Natsu got stiff and lifted his head up and look me straight in my (e/c) eyes.

But I didn't have a chance to see his reaction cause I pushed him off of me and knocked him out.

"Phew that was a close one" I thought while rubbing my temples.

I then picked up Natsu and sat him in his hammock and ran out of his house. I ran all the way to my house and locked my doors and ran to my room. I got there and saw Nadia asleep on the bed so I moved her, got in bed, and placed her next to me.

I fell asleep thinking only one thing

Do I like Natsu?

Hey little nerds it's me and I am FINALLY UPDATING and since it's a three day week end for school I thought why not? I kinda got out of my comfort zone on this one but I thought it was good but then again Idk. And again if you guys have any suggestions on how to make my story better or just any general suggestions plz create a chat on one of my chapters and tell me. I hoped you enjoyed this and I'll talk to you guys next time
Rednerd out~ 😁👋💖


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