Chapter 11

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(Your P.O.V)

I woke up to feel a warmth and the start of my neck, around my waist,and all the way down to my thigh. I looked over to see the pink haired Pyro clutching onto me like I was gonna leave him forever.

I chuckled a little bit. Then I tried to get out of his death hug (if you get this reference you are now my favorite person or person's). But to no avail I couldn't just wiggle my way out of his grasp. Then out of nowhere I felt a scratching behind my ear. And a deep whisper in my ear

"You are such a good kitty, do you want a treat?"

I turned a deep crimson red that would put Erza's hair to shame.

I was going in and out of consciousness because it felt really good.

"Purrr" Then I started to purr like Acnologia when I use to scratch behind his ears.

Then the ear scratch turned into a belly rub. This I could not stand for cause I was really ticklish. But I held my gut and my laughs and had to do the next best thing to get out of this situation.

(Natsu's P.O.V)

I was having a wonderful dream about a little kitten with (h/c) fur. (And no this cat isn't a exceed) I was playing with it and rubbing its belly.

"You are such a good kitty! Do you want a little treat?" I said while scratching the kitty behind its ear.

But when I gave it a belly rub started to headbutt me. It kept on head butting my chest, But the hits where getting harder and harder soon I woke up with a big red mark on my pectorals (this is a funny word 😂). I looked down to see a deep crimson (y/n) wrapped in my arms.

"Oi! I Am so sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to cuddle you like that." I said while rubbing the back of my neck. I could feel myself blush as the feeling of heat danced across my face. So I looked slightly away so she couldn't see my face.

Then she mumbled something but I couldn't hear her clean enough.

(Your P.O.V)

Once Natsu woke up I could feel his body stiffen then he looked down at me and shot right up.

"Oi! I Am so sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to cuddle you like that." he said while rubbing the back of his neck. I could have sworn I saw red on his face but he looked slightly away so I couldn't see his face properly.

"Oh you did more than at." I mumbled low enough so even he couldn't hear me.

"What was that (y/n)?" Natsu said while getting close to my face.

"N-nothing! I just said I'm g-going to get breakfast now that's all!" I said while getting up and going to the bathroom to change into my outfit for the day. (the pic at the top ⬆). Then I went to walk to our room door to leave to get breakfast. But before I did I looked back to tell Natsu I was leaving now.

"Natsu I am goi-" I didn't get to finish my sentence cause I saw a shirtless Natsu walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his body. I saw his perfect 6 pack being outlined by the water droplets from the shower. I followed a droplet till it crashed with the towel that was just a centimeter below his waist line.

I must have been zoned out for a while cause Natsu walked right in front of me and waved his hand in front of my face.

"Um (y/n) are you ok?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to face a confused natsu.

"U-um yeah I-I'm fine I'm just gonna go down to the lobby and get b-breakfast."
I could feel my face getting hotter by the second.

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