Chapter 8

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{3rd person P.O.V}

You came out of the bathroom fully dressed with this "if you make me mad I will end you" look on your face. You looked and saw that team Natsu was not in your room anymore. So you went around your house looking for them.

Maybe those idiots went and left me alone. You thought.

But soon enough you found them all in your kitchen ransacking your food supplies
(*Cough Natsu and happy cough*.)

You swear that one of your vains popped because of how angry you were. You grabbed the closest "lucky" person next to you and slammed their head into the floor with a big thud.
And this "lucky" person was no other than Natsu Dragneel himself.

Everyone stopped dead in their tracks as they saw the bleeding Natsu Dragneel on the floor. You swear you saw Ezra gulp and shiver as you looked at the group.

"Who told you guys that you could eat MY food that I spent MY own money on?!" You yelled coldly while picking up the bleeding Flame brain off the floor.

Then you put him on your couch and healed him with your wind dragon slayer magic. He sat up like he was just in a nightmare.

"So what job are we going on?" you asked while sitting next Natsu.

"Well flame-brain picked out this job for us been though its a little strange it would pay us about 200,000 jewels each." Grey said while handing me the poster.


1,000,000 JEWELS 

(Your P.O.V)

I looked at the sheet of paper and thought to my self

"I'm not gonna do this its stupid."

But then I thought

"Why not its my first easy job at fairy tail and I could use the brake in Fighting monsters."

I sighed "Fine lets get this over with."

with a cold expression on my face but on the inside I was dying to see what kind of show it was gonna be I just hope it will be fun.

They all jumped up and began to go get their stuff.

(Le Timeskip brought to you by natsu doing a belly dance cause why not 😂)

A little but later they all came back with there stuff and we soon walked to the train with a reluctant Natsu be hind me.

"Oh (y/n) don't make me go on that death trap I am only 19 I'm too young to die."he said while pulling on my shirt which made it go down in the front.

Good thing I had a bra on. Well sort of a bra you could still see through it because it was lace.

Everyone wasn't paying attention to me and Natsu so I whisper/yelled to Natsu

"Natsu stop it your pulling down my shirt!!!"

But it was too late my shirt had ripped off and I was now standing with only my bra on, on the top half of my body.

"NATSU!!!" I screamed and punched him while trying to cover myself up. 

Natsu must have not realised what he had done and when he looked up he had a waterfall of blood rush out both his nostrils.

Everyone turned around and saw what happened. Natsu and Grey were both on the ground with waterfalls of blood coming out of their noses.

Then with Lucy's quick thinking she pulled out a short crop top and slipped it on me the crop top stopped right above my belly button.

"Thank you so much Lucy I owe you one."

I could tell I was blushing 50 shades of pink and red right now because the way Natsu was looking at me.

WHY CANT I GET HIM OUT OF MY HEAD. I think this dragon slayer is melting my heart.

I'm in love with THAT Little Pyro.
I thought while looking at Natsu on the ground seeing how handsome he was. Then I made up my mind.

But he is My Little Pyro.

Hey little nerds its been a while hasn't it. Im sorry I haven't been posting a lot. I have cursed school but since this is a holiday I thought I could give you guys a little treat. Also I got inspired cause today I was in the mall and I saw a anime shop and went inside a fangirled over Natsu.Then I saw some Nalu stuff and I was like
HE IS MINE BITCH BACK OFF. My friend started laughing and the store manager said "Same" which made me laugh until my stomach hurt. I mean I have nothing against Nalu. I like it better than Nali. its just if I was in fairy tail he would be mine. And I bet almost all of my little nerds agree with me. Well that's my riant of the day. I hope you guys liked this story sorry it was short but I tried to make it the most interesting as I could.  Love you all and have a great day or night.
Rednerd out~ 😁👋💖


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