Chapter 2

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{Your P.O.V}
{Still a flashback}
{Start music}

"(Y/n) how would you like to learn magic?" Dad asked me

"Are you serious Dad you will really teach me some magic!!" I said while doing my happy dance.

"Not just some magic almost all magics and especially Dragon slayer magic."

By now I was really breaking out the moves. Acnologia just started laughing.

"Hahaha wow my child I think this is gonna be fun for both of us."

{Timeskip to when your training}

"Now child your gonna be the very best that no one ever was." Sang Acnologia

"Um dad?"

"What honey?"

"Why you singing?" He coughed

" um no reason now let's get back to training."

"Now (y/n) I am gonna first teach you your Dragon slayer magic which consists of the elements Fire,Water,Earth,and Air or wind if you like."

I just stared at him amazed.

"After that is mastered you will learn light,shadow,ice,
telepathy,healing magic, and last but not least lightning magic."
I stood there in fear.

"D-did you say l-l-lightning m-magic."
Dad stared at me weirdly

"Why yes why do u ask?"

"N-no reason." You look at the ground and then back up at your dad.

"Wait are you afraid of lightning?" Dad asked, and
I nodded slowly.

"It's alright child there is nothing to be afraid of." I smiled at him

"Thanks dad." Then I gave him a big hug.

{Timeskip after u mastered all 4 elements aka your Dragon slayer magic}

"Wow dad that took a whole year just to master that!?" I asked him.

"Why yes child but since that was your main magic it must take longer that the rest of your magic." I shrugged

"Oh ok that makes since."

Then Dad started to teach me the other magics which didn't take that long only about 3 months.

"Ok my little princess now I will teach you how to summon your Dragon force at will." This really interested me.

"What do you mean dad?"

"Well since you are a Dragon slayer now, all Dragon slayers can use Dragon force, and all of them have the capability to unlock there Dragon force." Dad explained

"Wait dad all of them?"

"Ahh yes I haven't told you yet. There are other Dragon slayers just like you except they can only control one of the elements where you can control all of them."

"Ohhhh." I was really excited now.

"Wait dad who are the other Dragon slayers?"

"Well I guess you need to know and I think you could use a break
." Dad said while walking back to the cave with me following him.

{3rd person P.O.V}

"Well" Acnologia clears his throat

"there are a total of five Dragon slayers ,including you, that are actually being raised by dragons right now."

You nod your head to signal him to go on.

"There are 4 boys that are training right now and 1 girl that will be a Dragon slayer. The boys names are Natsu Dragneel, Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, and Gajeel Redfox. The girl's name is Wendy Marvell."

{Timeskip Acnologia tells you more about each of them}

"Now child since you are the princess of the dragons you can tap into your Dragon force easier than they can."

"Ok dad I'm ready let's do this." You said while doing your happy dance.
Acnologia chuckles

"Ok my child, but this is going to take a long time are you sure your up to it."

"Yes sir." You said while saluting.

{Timeskip 2 years later}

"Your power is incredible
(y/n) your gonna make me so proud." Acnologia said

"Thanks dad it's all cause of you." You said while hugging his leg.

"Now child I have some sad news for you."

"W-what is it dad?" You asked hesitantly.

"Well some time very soon, all the dragons are getting called for......I guess you can say a meeting for a long time, and well I won't be the same I will have lost all my humanity and become a blood thirsty Dragon."

"But dad I don't want you to leave." You said while a tear streaked down your cheek.

"Child you will be fine and you are a very powerful wizard. I have no doubt that you'll be alright. When I leave I want you to join a guild call Fairy tail when your ready."
You nodded your head.

"Also I got you a gift so your not lonely."
Acnologia reached into a tree and pulled out a large white egg with elegant purple designs.

"This (y/n) is an exceed but it's a different exceed instead of it being a cat it will be a wolf." While he was saying this he handed you the egg.

"Take good care of it (y/n)."

"I will dad." You said while hugging the egg.

"Well it's getting late sweet heart lets get you to bed."

Then you and Acnologia walked back to the cave.

"Goodnight dad and egg." You said while snuggling up with both of them.

"Goodnight sweetie." Acnologia said while kissing your head.

{The next morning Your P.O.V}

I woke up but something seemed missing. Then I realized dad was gone. I walked around trying to find him.

I screamed and screamed but nobody was there. Then I heard a loud CRACK come from the cave. I walked in there and saw a cute little purple,black,and white wolf with purple eyes. I walked up to it and said

"Hello there little guy."

"I'm sorry but I'm not a guy I'm a girl." She said while crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry, do you have a name?" I asked the little wolf

"Um no not that I know of." She said.

"Well how do you like the name......Nadia."
She jumped up and down

"Yes I like that name, thank you miss." She had the most biggest smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile too.

"Please call me (y/n)."

"Ok wait how about I call you (n/n)?"

"Of course that is a really cool nickname." I said while smileing.

"Well I don't think we should stay here that long cause dad told me to go join Fairy tail." I told her.

"Ok I'm down with that." She said while flying around

"Ok let's GOOOO!!"
I said while grabbing my stuff.
Then we set off to train and find fairy tail.

Hey guys it's chevy again and I hope you guys liked this chapter so far. Also if you have suggestions on what I should put in here then don't be afraid to ask me.
Rednerd out ~😁💖👋


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