Chapter 20

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{3rd person P.O.V}

Everyone gathered outside the guild to watch Sting and Natsu fight.

"Why is it such a big deal that both Natsu and Sting fight?" you asked Erza.

"Well last year when we were at the grand magic games Natsu and Gajeel fought Sting and Rouge, but mysteriously Gajeel went missing and Natsu took on both Sting and Rouge and beat them pretty badly." she said looking over at the fight that was about to begin.

"HEY! I didn't mysteriously disappear! Natsu pushed me into a mining cart and I fell into a cave." he said giving Natsu a punch on top of his head.

"I remember no such thing." Natsu said crossing his arms.

"OK LISTEN UP BRATS!" Gramps said.

"This is going to be a fair fight! I don't want any tricks or cheaters you hear me!"

"Yes sir." both Sting and Natsu said monotone.


At the ring of a bell they lungged at each other throwing punches left and right.

"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!!!!" Natsu yelled as his fist made contact with Sting's right cheek.

Sting went flying back as the impact threw him backwards. But he soon recovered as he hopped back onto his feet.

"That was just a lucky shot." he said as he started to walk back over to Natsu.

"Yeah right flashlight!" Natsu yelled while running at him.
(I didn't know what else to call sting😅)

Then they collided again throwing punches and launch magical attacks on each other.

About 20 or so minutes passed and sting looked pretty beat up, but so did Natsu.

"Just give up already Natsu I *huff* already have you *huff* beat." Sting said as he gasped for air.

"No it's *huff* me that has you *huff* beat." Natsu said while he inhaled air and rested his arms on his knees.

"Just get it over with already! Its 8:00 pm, I need to go get my beauty sleep!" Loke yelled from the back of the crowed.

With that both Natsu and Sting lunged at each other attacking with all their might.

In the end they both ended up knocking each other out, and you ended up having to drag natsu back to his house.

"Baka" you said as you threw him on his bed and walked out heading back to your house.

(Your P.O.V)

While walking back to my house I had a weird feeling that I was being followed, but I couldn't smell anybody or sense anyone so I shook it of as just being paranoid.

About 10 minutes had passed, and I still couldn't shake the feeling of being followed but I could see my house in the distance so I just brushed it off and quickened my pace.

I was just about to reach for my front door when I felt a piece of cloth being pushed over my mouth and nose. I tried to struggle and knock whoever it was off me but this person had a tight grip on my arms so I couldn't do anything.

Chemicals slowly started to fill my nose as I started to lose consciousness. Then my eyesight faded into darkness.


I slowly opened my eyes to see a dark room with only the light of a small window to light it up, and even then all I could see was that I were tied up in a chair. Everthing else around me was pitch black. I was gaged so there was no use for me to scream for help cause it would only come out as muffled yells.

I tried to use my magic to break out if my restraints but there was no use I couldn't use my magic at all it was like it was being blocked by something.

After giving up on my magic I started to find another way out of my restraints but I was interrupted when I heard a metal door open and close with a SLAM!

I then heard a voice out of the shadows and it was sort of familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who it could be.

"Well long time no see babe~"
Hey my little nerds Chevy here!~
I am SOOOOO SORRY for this long wait. I have been very busy lately since school is about to start again for me soon 😭 and I'm not ready. But I will be using all my free time to try to finish this book. Yes you heard me clear, sadly this book it kind of close to the end and I'm going to try to finish it so I can start my other book for you guys! So be ready for an EPIC END! Also sorry for the sort chapter but I thought you guys would want a update ASAP! Well that's all I really have to say so REMEMBER to be yourself and SMILE!
Redheadnerd out~😁💖👋

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