Chapter 9

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(3rd person P.O.V)

You guys finally made it to the train station and Natsu was still crying like someone was gonna kill him on the train.

"Natsu we need to go now if you want us to make it to the job on time." you said while dragging Natsu since no one else would.

"But (y/n) that thing is a death trap I can't survive it for more that five seconds before blowing chunks." Natsu said while turning green just thinking about it.

Then you remembered that your dragon had taught you healing magic while he was teaching you your sky dragon slayer magic.

"Natsu I might know a way to help get rid of that motion sickness for the duration of the ride if you let me." you said with a blank emotionless expression.

"Really (y/n)?! You would do that for me thank you I will repay you I swear!" Natsu said while hugging you by your waist.

"O-ok Natsu you can let go now." you said while nudging Natsu's arm trying to get him to let go.

Natsu let go and you swear you saw the tiniest of pink on his cheeks but you shook it off because you guys had a job to do.

"Ok let me see if I can do this" you said while placing your hands on Natsu's abs and head.

Then your hands glowed a magnificent (f/c) and you recited the words...

"Norimono-yoi tachisarimasu~."
(Which means Motion sickness begone in Japanese)

Then you removed your hands and started walking with the group toward the train.

"Did it work?" Natsu said as he tapped your shoulder.

"We will see when we board the train." you said while boarding the train.

You all sat down. On the left side of the seats was, Grey by the window, Erza in the middle, and Lucy beside Erza.
Then on the right side seats were Natsu by the window, just In Case he puked, you in the middle ,and wendy beside you. (Wendy has been their the whole time its just she didn't say anything).

Then the train started to move and team Natsu started their departure. Natsu was so happy he couldn't stop thanking you for the wonderful gift you had given him. Their were thank you's like..

"Thank you (y/n) I owe you my life!" and "you don't know how much you helped me!" but the one that really got to you was the "I could just kiss you right now!" one. No one seemed to have heard him except me and wendy since we have super sensitive hearing. Even Nadia and Happy couldn't hear him and they where sitting on our shoulders between us. Then Wendy started to laugh.

I could feel another chip of ice being melted away from my heart by this pyromaniac.

{Timeskip brought to you by Happy sleeping on your head~ aww such a cutie 😘}

You finally made it to the destination for the job. The train ride was mostly quiet because everyone fell asleep but you and Nadia. So you got up and woke every one with a gentle shake. Everyone woke up except Grey and Natsu so you had a great idea.

"Guys why don't we give Natsu and Grey a "punishment" for not getting up?" you said with a wicked semi-smile.

"How we gonna do that?" happy asked

"Well I have an idea and we don't have to do anything but watch the show." you said while cracking your knuckles.

They all moved back while you walked over to Grey and Natsu. Then you bent down and whispered in Grey's ear , sounding like Natsu,

" Your weak ice princess no wonder why your not a S-class wizard yet."

Then you walked over to natsu and whispered in his ear, sounding like Grey,

"Hey flame brain I bet you couldn't beat me in a fight, I would wipe the floor with you."

Then you stepped back with the rest to watch your big masterpiece unwind.

Hey little nerds Chevy here and I hope you guys liked this chapter I know it's short but I was busy and by busy I mean I got distracted by the fairy tail theme song remixes I was listening to. FYI don't listen to your favorite song while doing something you'll get distracted and procrastinate. Ill try to put out more chapters, and maybe ill do a Halloween special. But its all up to you guys so if you tell me you want one Ill try to dish something up. Again I hoped you liked the chapter and remember be yourself and smile.
Redheadnerd out~😁👋💖


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