Chapter 24

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{Natsu's P.O.V}

I could hear screaming coming from the burnt down town square. I knew it was (y/n) I could tell by the angelic way her voice could be heard through the echoes of the town hall.
(No not creepy at all Natsu)

I ran inside but see any sign of her being her, until I heard another ear piercing scream. I ran to the source to see, what looked like to be, a apocalyptic type bunker with a cold, hard, sliver metal door sealing it shut.

"(Y/N)!!! Are you down there." I screamed.

"YES! Oh Natsu PLEASE help me!!!!" she cried on the other side of the door.

I tried to sling the door open but it was sealed shut so I did the next best thing.

"(Y/N) BETTER STAND BACK!" I yelled.

{Your P.O.V}

"(Y/N) BETTER STAND BACK!" Natsu yelled as I heard his feet shuffle on the other side.

I kicked my feet back and flung myself out of the way from the door as far as possible when a BOOM! was heard from the door.

When the dust cleared a very angry natsu was standing at the door, but as soon as his eyes landed on me his eyes turned soft and he ran untied me and engulfed me into a hug.

"Oh my Mavis I never thought I would be able to see that beautiful face of yours ever again." he said laying little kisses on my face on every like 3rd word he spoke.

The last word he kissed me deeply right on my lips. Soon the kiss started to heat up and I soon felt my hands fall from his neck down to his waist to try to get as much as him I could get.

But this moment was soon destroyed...

"Hey we heard a boom and- o-oh I'll just...." then gray slowly backed out of the room.

Natsu and I looked at each other for a moment and then busted out laughing.

"Oh my Mavis did you see his face!!!" Natsu said as he fell down on the floor.

But this was short lived when Erza busted through the door.

"Guys we have a problem!" She said grabbing natsu by his hair and pulling him outside.

When we got outside I saw the most horrible sight.

"Jacob." I said as I felt my magic energy spiking every second I saw him.

"Ah ah ah don't come any closer i have a special friend with me." Jacob said as he got Lucy and held a sharp knife to her neck.

"I-i'm so s-sorry (y/n) i-i didn't mean t-to-" Lucy started to say

"Shut up wench!" Jacob said clasping his hand over her windpipe almost crushing it with the amount of strength he was giving off.

"Get your hands off her!" I said as my hair started to turn a deep dark (h/c) and my eyes turned slightly black.

"Um let me think.....never." he said as he threw Lucy and froze her into a huge ice slab.

I tried to advance towards him but my body stopped.

"W-want is happening to m-me?" I said as my knees hit the floor and I was completely powerless.

"Oh I forgot to tell you love, when our little session happend I put a little something into that injection that may have done something to your magic." he said laughing maniacally.

"N-no i c-can't move!" I said as I was stuck on the floor.

"(Y-y/n)!" Natsu screamed as he stood in front of me in a protective stance.

"Back off and pick on someone your own size!" Natsu said as he ran full speed at Jacob.


Hey my little nerds Chevy here~! I hope you enjoyed this chapter we are soooo close to the end and I'm still procrastinating 😅. Well I'll try to speed up the process and maybe make a longer chapter that what this is. But for now REMEMBER to be yourself and SMILE!
Redheadnerd out~😁❤👋

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