Chapter 17

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{Your P.O.V}

Natsu and I both snuck into the guild and headed towards the stage. Nobody seemed to see us get on the stage until Natsu yelled at the top of his lungs.


Everyone's attention was put on us.

"Both Natsu and I have something to tell you guys!!" I said

Everyone gave us questioning looks until natsu and I clasped hands.

"Were a couple!!!!" I said while hugging natsu arm.

The whole place went up in cheers.

"ABOUT TIME!" someone screamed in the audience.

"YEAH NATSU WAY TO BE A MAN!!" Ellfman yelled from the back.

"OMG MY OTP SHIP HAS SAILED!!!!" Mira said as she fainted on the ground.

"THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION!!" master said while drinking down a whole thing of beer.

Everyone cheered and started to get rowdy. Except for one celestial wizard. Nobody saw Lucy slip out the back of the guild and into the garden.

"Why.....her??" she said to herself while tearing up.

"I'm way better than her, I'm more pretty, and I've known him longer so why did he pick her?" she said as a tear streaked down her cheek.

Then a look of pure hatred cane across Lucy's face.

"I'll get Natsu to be mine and I know just the person to help me with this". She said while walking back inside the guild.

{Timeskip after the party}
3rd person P.O.V

Everyone was really excited that Natsu and you got together. Some even said that they knew you were ment for eachother.

"Hey Natsu *hick* are you ready to leave *hick* yet." you whined. You were slightly drunk from all the cheers and congratulations from everybody.

"Yeah you seem a little too drunk." he said as he grabbed both of your shoulders

"WHAT me drunk *hick* neverrrrr" you said pushing your finger to his lips to shush him.

"Now carry me!" you said throwing
Your hands up like a five year old.

He chuckled and swung you around his back and gave you a piggy back ride.

"Now mush!!!!" you shouted wrapping you arms around his neck.

"Yes princess" he said grabbing your legs and walking towards his house.

While you both were walking you talked about nearly everything you could think about. You enjoyed spending this quiet peaceful time with just natsu and yourself.

When you and Natsu arrived at his house you both collapsed on his bed as you snuggled up against his warm body.

"Hey Natsu?"


"What will happen if Jacob comes for me again and I'm not ready and he hurts me or even worse...and...and." you said starting to tear up.

"Hey hey hey that's not going to happen cause I'm here and ill always be here no matter what, he won't be able to touch you while I'm here." he said pulling you closer to him under the covers. While he shushed you to calm you down.

You gently smiled and wrapped your arms around Natsu.

"Your the best boyfriend ever."

"And your the best girlfriend ever."

You both then slowly leaned your faces into each other and shared a beautiful longing kiss

While in the kiss you started to drift off to sleep engulfed in the warmth of your new boyfriend. Then you were engulfed in darkness.

{Timeskip by Natsu and you sleeping}

{Your P.O.V}

I reluctantly started to open my eyes. The aroma of burnt food and smoke filled the air.

"Ah shit is there a fire!?"  I thought as I sprung out of bed and rushed towards the kitchen.

When I entered the kitchen I was meet with the most unusual sight. There stood Natsu Dragneel himself with a hot pink apron on that said "hot stuff" on it.

I walked into the kitchen and went up to natsu and got right his ear.

"Hey hot stuff." I said as I draped my arms around his shoulders.

Natsu flinched at first but then he spun around and picked be up so my legs would be wrapped around him.

"Hey beautiful." he said as he gave me a hug and placed his head at the crook of my neck.

I started to giggle out of control.

"N-natsu stop I can f-feel your breath on m-my neck and it t-tickles." I said trying to shove his face away.

"Oh it tickles you?" he said with a devilish smirk on his face.

He then went on a full assault on my body. We both fell on the floor with natsu on top of me tickling the hell out of me.

"N-No natsuuuuu!" I started to laugh out of control. While natsu was looking down and chuckling at me.

I knew I had to get him off of me the I remembered.......the food!

"NATSU THE FOOD!" I screamed with my last big breath.

"Oh shit!" he yelled and ran to the stove.

"Finally." I said with a sigh and a big inhale of air.

(Timeskip~ Cause I'm lazy)

After Natsu ate the flames after he ALMOST burned the house down.

"Your such a dummy" I said as he set the almost burnt breakfast.

"But I'm your dummy!" he said with his cute and innocent smile.

"Yeah I guess you have that right!" I said while laughing.

"So.." Natsu said while sitting down.

"Team natsu and I wanted to know if you would like to go on a mission with us since your amazingly strong." he said while scarfing down his breakfast.

" um...sure I guess I can do if it makes you happy." I said grabbing his hand.

"YES PLEASE!!!" he said tackling me to the ground and showering me in kisses.

"O-Ok Natsu!!!! Stop I'm gonna choke!!!" I said

"Oops sorry" he said as he sheepishly got off me with a hint of red on his cheeks.

"Its alright" I said swallowing.

"I just can't control myself around you!" he said giving me a tight hug.

"I feel the same way." I said snuggling into his chest.

Hey my little nerds! Chevy here and I am FINALLY BACK!! Sorry about the long wait I have been busy but since SCHOOL IS ALMOST OUT I can make more chapters that I could before so look forward to future chapters! Well that's all I really have to say so.... REMEMBER to be yourself and SMILE!
Redheadnerd out~😁💖👋

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