Chapter 3

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Hey guys Chevy here and real quick (n/n) means nickname if you didn't know.
Enjoy the story~ rednerd out 😜💖👋
{present day}
{Your P.O.V}

Nadia and I where walking through clover town. We have been training ever since we began are journey. We are finally going to find and join fairy tail. But I forgot where it is and I'm too proud to ask for directions.

"Hey (n/n)?" Nadia asked me.


"Do you know where fairy tail is?"
I sweat dropped

"Um no?"


She shouted so loud that now people where looking at us.
I quickly covered her mouth.

"Are you trying to get us recognized, we dont need that attention right now?!"

"Sorry (n/n)."

{Timeskip with you walking around lost going in and out of three towns}
{Your now in Magnolia}
{ 3rd person P.O.V}

"(N/n) we have been walking foreverrrrr can we please ask for directions now?" Nadia whined.

"Fine." You sighed

"Yay who should we ask

"I don't know let's just pick someone."
Then you saw this mom with her son walking on the sidewalk.

"Um excuse me ma'am?"
You tapped the woman's shoulder,and since she couldn't see your face she was a little freaked out.

"Oh plz don't kill us we have jewels  here take it." She shoved some jewels in your face.

"Oh no ma'am I'm not here to rob or kill you." You reassured her.

"You aren't?" She asked while eyeing you.

"Yes ma'am I wouldn't hurt innocent people."
While you said this both you and Nadia took off you hoods.


"Shhhhhh just call me (y/n) ok?"
She nodded quickly.

"Anything you need I am at your service." She said while bowing.

You got cut off by a tug at your leg. You looked down and her 6 year old son pulling at your leg.

"Ma'am can you pwezz show me your magwic?"

"Oh Timmy come here your being very rude!" The mom said while snatching her son away from you.

"I'm sowy." He then started crying.

"Shh Shh little one it's ok I can show you my magic." You said while smiling this is the first time you have smiled since THAT DAY.

You dried his tears and then ignited your magic. You mixed your metal and fire Dragon slayer magics then you made two gold necklaces {cause why the hell not}
that both had a half of a broken heart. Then you engraved on one heart.
                  Timmy and (y/n)

     Then on the other heart you put.
               Best friends forever

You gave Timmy the one with both your names on it and you kept the one that's says best friends forever.

Timmys eyes sparkled as you made the necklaces he immediately put on the necklace you gave him.

"That was.....SO CWOOL!!!"
He said while hugging the gold necklace.

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