Chapter 16

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(3rd person P.O.V)

It was the day before the harvest festival and everyone was running around trying to get things ready for not only the harvest festival but the miss fairy tail pageant. You didn't know what to expect going into this pageant.

"Nadia we need to have a plan going into this pageant because I'm not coming in second place cause I'm a fabulous bitch!!" you said while flipping your hair.

"Yeah you are girl!" Nadia said while highfiveing you.

"Ok so we need to one get an outfit, two practice an act to do, and three get my hair and makeup done." You said.

"Ok we have the rest of today to get this done! Lets do this!!!!" Nadia said while grabbing your hand and running into town.

(Timeskip by nobody cause I'm lazy)

When you and Nadia got to the dress store you immediately started to look for a dress.

"How about this one?" Nadia said while holding up a slutty blue dress with the back and stomach cut out.

You gave her the "are you kidding me" look while pushing the dress out if your face.

"Hey you want to look good in front of natsu don't you?" she said with a smirk.

You whipped your head around super fast as red was dancing across your face.

"W-what do you m-mean by t-that?" you said trying to play dumb.

"What do you mean? I see the way you look and him. Also you have never opened up to a guys like you have with him. Its OBVIOUS! Your in love with natsu!!!" she said a little too loud.

You grabbed her face and ran to the dressing rooms. Slamming the door behind you.

"SH you want all of fiore to know I like him!" you whisper shouted.

Nadia then shoved your hand away from her mouth.

"Whatever its totally obvious that you do. Your just too dence to admit it." she said while smirking at me.

"Fine I admit it I like him!" you sigh and lower your head.

"But I don't think he likes me. He is always around Lucy and is always talking to her." you said while pouting.

"Pshhhh are you serious (y/n) she has nothing on you!!!" she said while grabbing your shoulders.

"You are smart, kind, brave, loyal, and you have a nice body!" at the last part you could feel your face heat up.

"And what does Lucy have!? Just big boobs and that's it!!!" you started laughing at that part.

"Your right Nadia I won't give up and I will win this competition!!!" you said while standing up and fist pumping the air.

"That's the spirit!! Now lets pick out this dress!" Nadia said as you guys parted to get the dress.

(Magic Timeskip✨)

It was the day of the miss fairy tail competition and you, Erza, Mira, and Juvia were at Lucy's house to get ready for the miss fairy tail competition.

"Now girls it doesn't really matter who wins because we are all friends and we are all beautiful!!" Mira said while giving us a group hug.

"Yeah!" we all said while grabbing your dresses.

"WOW (y/n) that dress is beautiful!"
(At the top) Lucy said.

"Thanks Nadia helped me pick it out!"

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