Chapter 13

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{Your P.O.V}

We had just got done with the fashion show and was headed back to thew train station.

"Wow that was really fun don't you think (y/n)?" Wendy asked me

"Eh it was OK I liked the hypser looks since I already wear those types of clothes to begin with so." I said with my same cold expressionless face.

"Hey (y/n) why do you never smile or laugh?" Happy asked

Everyone looked over to him with open eyes.

"Oh jeez happy why did you ask that she will get so mad!" Natsu and about all of them thought.

But i didn't hear happy because I was so terrified/angry at the sight I saw just ahead of me.

"Oh no i-its him!!" I thought while feeling myself shaking. But I am mostly angry at this scumbag that is in front of us.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. When I looked to my right I saw Natsu with a worried expression on his face.

"(N/n) what's wrong?" He said while his brows drew together.

"I-i-i-it h-h-h-he" I couldn't finish my sentence. I felt my eyes start to water, and it seemed Natsu saw it and pulled me into a tight embrace. I was shaking so hard I thought I was gonna shake out of my skin.

Then I heard the voice I never wanted to hear again.

"Babe? Is that you?"

A guy with blond hair and blue eyes walked up to the group. He had a smirk placed on his face.

You turned around to face him. But you had a emotionless expression on and their was no sign that you had started to cry.

"What do you want Jacob?" You said with venom in your words.

"What I'm just here to get my princess. Come on babe come back to me." Jacob said while grabbing your waist and pulling you where you are pushed up against him.

"Ha in your dreams you piece of shit!" You said then you punched him square in the jaw. He flew back about 10ft.

"Aw common babe don't be like that you know you want me back." He said while standing up and wiping off his clothes.

"Phft if you were on fire and I had a glass of water I would drink it that is how much I hate you." You said while putting your hands on your hips.

Their was a couple of snickers that came from team natsu behind you.

"Aww babe now I will have to Punish you" Jacob said while getting into a fighting stance.

"Ha bring it on " snowflake"." You said while getting into a fighting position.

"ICE MAKE GLACIER" Jacob yelled as a mountain of ice spikes came hurling at you.

"CELESTIAL DRAGON TIME STANDSTILL!!" You yelled and soon time stopped and you were the only one unfrozen.

You walked up to the ice spikes and said

"Dragon slayer special art Phoenix kiss!"
(I know this isn't a thing but just roll with it)

You kissed the ice and they bursted into (f/c) flames.

Then time unpaused and when it did you ran up to Jacob and kicked him right in his balls.

My Little Pyro {Natsu x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now