Chapter 10

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{Play music for dramatic effect plus its amazing music}
{3rd person P.O.V}

You, Erza,happy,wendy,Carla, Lucy watched as both Natsu and Grey sat up at the same time and glared daggers at each other. Then they started throwing punches at each other like a crazy man.

{Natsu's P.O.V}

If Ice Princess thinks he is gonna get away with that little comment he has another thing coming.


Then with that I knocked Elsa right in his stupid face. Then things started to get worse we started throwing punches left and right until I knocked Elsa where the sun don't shine.

"Oi flame brain that's a cheep shot" Grey said while hunched over in a ball.

I was laughing so hard untill I heard the most angelic laugh I could have every heard. The world seemed to have stopped and all I could hear was her laugh. But whose laugh was it.

I looked around until I found the owner of the laugh. The owner was no other that (Y/n) (L/n) herself. All I could look at was her (h/l) (h/c) hair that fell perfectly as her shoulders went up and down while she clutched her stomach and the wall of the train to keep from falling over. She was pure beauty. I never heard her laugh before, actually now that I think about it I have never even see her smile before. I wonder why she doesn't smile? Ill have to ask her about that.

I must have been looking at (y/n) for a while now cause before I knew it was coming I was knocked square in my jaw by Elsa himself.

{Your P.O.V}

All I saw was that Natsu knocked Grey where the sun don't shine. Then when I saw Grey's expression I couldn't hold it in anymore. I busted out laughing I had to grip the side of the train car so so I wouldn't fall over. Then my stomach started to hurt so I had to grab it. I have never laughed this hard in my life. Then when my little laughing session was over I looked back up to see Natsu staring at me. But that ended quick. Once I saw grey's fist come flying out of nowhere, and knocked Natsu right square in the jaw. That was all it took cause Natsu was out cold. I felt bad so I picked Natsu up and slung him over my shoulder. Then I went back to my usual cold expression.

"This has been fun but we have to get off this train before we miss our stop, plus its getting dark we need to get a place to stay before it gets too dark we need to be well rested."

And with that they all nodded and we all walked out of the train and headed to a near by hotel called The 4 clover inn.

We walked in and asked the lady for 6 rooms but they only had 3 so we took the three rooms. Then Erza pulled me over to talk to me.

"Hey (y/n) do you think you can room with Natsu for the duration of our stay?" she said

"Why can't he room with you or lucy or wendy ?" I asked

"Well I need to separate Natsu and Grey and well lucy, Carla, happy, wendy, and Nadia are already sleeping in one room, and I already have Grey so their is no other rooms but yours. So can you room with Natsu?" she said

"Fine I guess it wouldn't kill me plus I don't despise him so their isn't a problem with him rooming with me." I said

"Oh thank you (y/n) I thought you would refuse." she said

"Hey I could never just say no to my own guild members we are all family!" I said

"I couldn't have said it better myself thank you (y/n)." Erza said then she hugged me which was new to me cause the only person who ever have hugged me was nadia or my dad, Acnologia, this was a good feeling I am finally warming up with this guild.

I just hope He doesn't find me or hurt my family.   

With that I hugged Erza back. When we pulled part I picked up Natsu and slung him over my shoulder and started walking to our room. Nadia flew with us because she needed to grab her stuff for her sleepover in the other room.

"Hey why are you leaving me alone with natsu and going and spending the night in their room?" I said while pushing the key into the lock and unlocking it.

"Well the other exceeds wanted to have a sleepover and luce and wendy wanted to join us." Nadia said while packing her little things.

"You know her name is lucy why are you calling her luce?" I said while setting natsu on the bed and pulling the covers over him.

"Cause its more fun that way! And plus happy calls her that and I think its funny." she said while packing a few fish.

"Ooo someone has a crush on a certain blue cat~." I said while poking nadia in the stomach.

"N-no I-I don't." nadia said while turning 50 shades of red.

"I h-have to go its getting l-late bye (y/n) see you tomorrow." nadia said.

"WAIT!!" I bellowed

She stopped in her tracks.

"W-what?" nadia said while gulping.

"Let me walk you their I wouldn't want anything to happen to you." I said and with that I walked her to Lucy's  and Wendy's  room.

I said hi and dropped her off in their room and walked back to my room. I was beyond tried I just needed a good nights rest.

{Time skip brought to you by natsu shirtless}

When I got back into my room it was pitch black but I still new my way around so I went into the bathroom took a bath and changed into my pajamas with was basically just a large T-shirt that went just to my mid thigh.

I climbed into the bed and felt Natsu's heat radiating off his body next to me and I could also hear him snoring to so I knew he was asleep. Then about 5 mins later I felt myself starting to drift away. Right when I was about to go to sleep I felt two arms snake around my waist and I could also feel someone put their head in the crook of my neck. I realized that natsu had grabbed me in his sleep and now he was snuggling with me. I would of flew his ass to the wall but the heat from his body was putting me to sleep. All I heard before I went to sleep was natsu talking in his sleep.

"I will" then I was hit in a deep sleep.

Hey my little nerds Chevy here and sorry it took me so long to update I have been busy with school lately and I haven't had the ability to update recently. But I will try to update at least every weekend or more so don't worry I will keep at this book until I finish it I promise. But as always I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are liking this book so far and remember to be yourself and smile.
Rednerd out~ 😁💖👋


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