Chapter 23

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{With Team Natsu}

"I swear when I get to (y/n) Jacob won't know what hit him." Natsu said rubbing his hands together in an evil way.

"Slow down Pyro we need to get to her first." Grey said throwing a smirk a Natsu.

"Shut up you know I'm so sick of tired of your bullshit you know that." Natsu said walking up to grey.

"Oh yeah! Bring it pyromanibitch!"
Grey said as he put up his hands ready to fight.

But of course before they could fight Erza got both of their heads and smacked them together.

"Do you think this is helping the situation?" she said looking at the both of them. They shook their heads in shame.

"Just think, when we get her back how she will react when she finds out that both of you almost ruined the rescue mission just because you were fighting.

{Natsu and Greys mind~~~~}

"YOU IDIOTS" (y/n) yelled as she stomped on the ground.

The gates of hell opened up and Natsu and Grey fell in.

"When I'm done with you nobody will be able to identify your bodies! HAHAHAHA!" (y/n) laughs as she shoves them further into the pits of hell.


They shutter at the thought.

"That's what I thought so lets just get (y/n) and kick Jacobs ass and then go home and eat cake." Erza said with a sparkle in her eye.

"AYE SIR!" Everyone yelled as there voyage set off again.

{With (y/n)}
Just a heads up this might be gory to most so just skip till I say and you should be fine momma red will take care of you my child.

A burning and tearing sensation was ripped up the side of my arm as Jacob took a 6 inch blade and stabbed it into my arm as slowly as he could.

"Come on babe scream for me."  He said shoving the blade deeper into my skin.

He was trying to see me weak but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

"Go to hell." I grunted as I spit blood into his face.

"Ohhh so you want to play like that do you?" he said taking the blade out and jamming it into the side of my abdomen.

I almost screamed but I wouldnt even if he ripped out my organs I would never give him that satisfaction.

He repeatedly kept shoving the knife in and out of my thigh, arms, and hands trying to make me scream.

He then stepped back to admire his work.

(Eventhough it didn't have THAT much gore you should be safe.... for now😈...     jk 😂💗  )
"I guess this will have to do for now since I'm short on time." he said wiping the blood off his blade.

he then held the knife dangerously close to my neck.

"But don't think that this is over." he said casually strutting out of the room and slamming the door shut.

Then I used my sensitive hearing and smell to see if he left the premise.

Once I didn't hear or smell him anymore I let out all my pain in a blood curdling high pitched scream.


{Back with Team Natsu}
{Natsu's P.O.V}

We just made it into (y/n)'s home town where Lucy said that Jacob had taken her. The town looked like it had been burned to a crisp and it didn't look like anyone had lived here in years.

"Geez (y/n) lived here? No wonder why she's so cold hearted all the time." Grey said in a joking manner.

"Well if your parents were killed in front of you wouldn't you be a little distant too?" Lucy said looking at Gray
In disgust.

(Lucy already told them about the situation when you were little)

"What an asshole!" Natsu said smacking Gray upside the head.

"Why I otta-" before anything could happen a high pitched scream was heard in the distance.

"That's (y/n)! We have to go NOW! Natsu shouted as he sprinted off to where the sound was projecting from.

"Natsu wait up!" Happy shouted as he flew after him.
Hey my little nerds Chevy here~ and FINALLY AN UPDATE!!! Sorry it took me so long but FINALS ARE OVVERRRRRRR! And Christmas is just around the corner! I hoped you enjoyed this short chapter and REMEMBER to be yourself and SMILE! Redheadnerd out~😁💖👋

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