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(This chapter is not apart of the story it's just a special little treat!!! Hope you enjoy!)

(3rd person P.O.V)

Today was the day before Halloween and everything was normal in the guild. People were minding their business and putting up decorations for Halloween. Everyone was in the Halloween spirit except for one certain elemental dragon slayer.

Team Natsu was sitting at its usual table talking about the big Halloween party the guild was gonna throw on the 31st. Everyone was excited except for you.

"Oh I wonder what I am gonna wear I have so many things I could be like a cat, gypsy, princess, Ooo or even a goddess." Lucy said with hearts in her eyes.

You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose to try to keep from exploding at Lucy because she was being annoying.

"Well I am gonna be a vampire Ooo or a Ninja!" Natsu said while pulling up his scarf to look like a ninja.

You quietly laughed at how cute Natsu was doing his little "ninja" moves while chanting little incantations.

"I think i'll be a zombie cause zombies are cold hearted" Grey said while smirking at Natsu to show how lame he thought Natsu's ideas for a costume were.

"What you smirking at icicle pervert!" Natsu yelled.

"None of your business coal breath!" Grey said.

"SHUT IT SNOWFLAKE!! Natsu screamed

"MAKE ME FLAME-BRAIN!!" Grey yelled

"HEY YOU STARTED IT ELSA!!" Natsu screamed while standing up and cracking his knuckles.

Both of them where about to hit each other when you saw Erza walking by with some cake. You couldn't let Natsu get clobbered by Erza so you skillfully took a running start, did a back hand spring, then did an aerial backflip on a table,and landed right behind the two blunder heads that were fighting.

Then you snuck up behind the pair, grab their heads, and smashed them together. You then glared at the both of them.

"And i'll finish it!" you said in a deep low voice while they got up and started apologizing.

Then while Erza walked by you gently tapped her shoulder.

"So Erza what are you being for Halloween?" you asked

"I think i'll go as a witch." Erza said.

"Hey (n/n) what are you gonna be for Halloween?" Natsu said while resting his hand on your head.

"Well I don't know what I will be I have never celebrated Halloween before this year." They all gasp in shock as you got pulled by Erza and lucy. You could hear both of them squeal.

"Yay that means we can dress you up and pick out your outfit for tomorrow!!" lucy said as both her and Erza pulled you to the closest Halloween store they could find.

"Fine but on one condition, you let me buy the costume while you guys can pick it out, deal? You said

"Deal." they both said while spreading out to find the right outfit.

{Timeskip by Natsu dressed as a cute vampire}

It took 5 hours but lucy and Erza had found the perfect costume for you to wear. They just dropped you of at your house a little while ago and now you were taking a shower. When you got out of the shower you threw your hair up in the towel and got dressed into your Pjs. When you were done doing what you needed to do you entered you room and climbed into bed. About 10 mins after you closed your eyes you heard a creak and saw someone crawl threw your window. But before you could do anything you felt a warm body slip into your bed and wrap its arms around you. You didn't need to know rocket science to tell that the figure cuddling you right now was Natsu dragneel. You turned around so you were facing his face and sure enough Natsu was looking right back at you. You then poked his face and hugged him.

"Goodnight Natsu~."you said

"Goodnight (n/n)~." Natsu said

Then you both drifted asleep in each other arms.

{Timeskip to the next day}

It was almost time for the party and you were getting into your costume. Both lucy and Erza thought it would be great to put you into a red leather devil costume with little devil horns and the devil Trident.

When lucy and Erza got finished dressing you up ,as well as themselves, you were on your way to the guild.

When you guys entered the guild all eyes were on Y'all.

"Hey guys why are they looking at you like that?" you question while seeing about every single guy had drool coming out of their mouth and hearts in their eyes.

"Their not looking at us their looking at you" Erza said.

Right when she said that both her and lucy stepped away from me and sure enough Everyone's and I mean EVERYONE'S eyes stayed on me. Things started to get uncomfortable but lucky for me Natsu came around a threw his arm around my shoulder and started to walk with me back to the table our team was sitting at.

"Omg you look amazing (y/n)." Wendy said while hugging you.

"Why thank you Wendy that is really sweet." you said hugging her back.

Throughout the whole night you couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching you. Then the entertainment for the party came it was your favorite band (F/b). While everyone was distracted someone grabbed you and drug you outside and covered your eyes so you couldn't see where you were. Then when you were far away enough the person let you go so you could see him. Then You saw some pink hair then realized. it was Natsu who drug you put here in the most beautiful spot in the forest.

"Natsu why did you bri-" but before you could finish your sentence Natsu was already crashing his lips onto yours and leaned you back to deepen the kiss.

After a while of tangling with him and fighting for dominance you both started to lose air. When you separated a string of saliva was all that was left of that kiss.

"Natsu why did you do that?" you questioned.

"(Y/n) you just looked too good to resist." he said while blushing a little bit.

Then he mumbled something.

"What Natsu I cant hear you." you said

"I said I Love You (y/n)." Natsu had while grabbing your hands.

"And I love you too My little vampire." you said.

(Since he was dressed as a vampire.)

Then you both shared a other kiss that was more passionate than the last. Then something killed the moment...............

"OOoooOO he loooooovvvveeeesss yyyooooouuu!"
Happy said while flying above both of your heads.

"HAPPY!!!" you both screamed while chasing after him hand in hand.

Hey guys Chevy here and I hoped you enjoyed this little Halloween treat and I also hope you had a great Halloween. But as always be yourself and have fun!! BYE!!
Rednerd out~😁💖👋

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