Chapter 18

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{Your P.O.V}

After we ate breakfast we started to head over to the guild to meet up with team Natsu and see what job they wanted to go on next.

{Walking towards the guild}

"Hey Natsu?"


"Did you see Lucy at all yesterday? I didn't see her anywhere." I said kind of worried something happened to her.

"Um...I don't know. She might have been off tying to get money for her apartment." he said shrugging completely not worried.

"Oh." I said looking down.

"Hey" Natsu said while wrapping his arm around me.

"She is alright, plus she has her keys. Especially Loke, I know that he wouldn't let anything happen to her." he said pulling me closer.

"I guess your right." I said shrugging

"You guess? IM ALWAYS RIGHT!" he yelled jumping in the air and throwing me onto his shoulders.

"O-ok Natsu lets just get to the guild already." I said while laughing.

"Yeah lets gooooo!" he yelled while running towards the guilds entrance.

{Timeskip by a naked grey running around Antarctica singing let it go}

When we got to the guild it what mostly normal there where fights,drinking, and sleeping. Which was pretty usual.

"(Y/n)!!" I heard a familiar female voice call my name as Natsu and I walked towards the team table.

"Hey Lucy!" I said with a smile.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to have a girls day today. Just you and me?" she said with this kinda siniser but kind smile.

"Umm...sure I guess I wasn't going to do anything but sit at the guild all day long anyway!" I said.

"Yayy!!! This will be so much fun we can go shopping and get our nails and hair done and Ooo this will be sooo much fun!" she said as she grabbed my hands and started to jump around, dragging me with her.

"Hey Luce can we come?" Natsu and happy shouted at the same time.

"NO!" Lucy screamed while everyone stopped and looked at her.

"Heh I mean its a girls day and your not a girl so you can't come!" she said while she laughed nervously.

"Oh ok." Natsu said sadly.

"Hey" I said while picking up Natsu's chin.

"I'll be back before you know it and then we can go do whatever you want. Ok?"

"Yes! Your the best (n/n)! Stay careful and don't hurt that angelic face of yours ok?" I giggled at his answer.

"Ok ill make sure no to injure myself" I said with one hand on my heart and one hand in the air.

"That's my girl!" he said giving me a hug and kissing the tip of my nose.

"Ok you ready to go Lucy?" I asked as I released Natsu from the hug.

"Um yeah!" she said with a very unusual smile.

{Timeskip with Lucy having a mental breakdown}

"Ok now we can have quality time together!" Lucy said jumping up and down.

"Yay." I said kind of emotionless.

"Are you not excited?" she said with a kind of hurtful expression.

"Oh shit" I thought

"Um no I am still getting use to not being my usual emotionless self." I said hopeing she would take my "little" white lie.

"Oh...I understand!" she said with her happy smile again.

"Phew" I thought as I was being dragged near a clothes store.

{Another Timeskip cause I'm lazy}

After Lucy and I had like 50 clothes bags we went to eat at a little cafe.

"Phew! Today way super fun!" I said while sipping my (f/d).

"Yeah it was!!" Lucy said while giggling.

{Lucy's P.O.V}

I actually had a lot of fun shopping with (y/n) today! Maybe this is ridiculous. They are both my friends and I should be happy for them, but instead I'm trying to steal one of my best friends boyfriend away.

But I liked him first! And shouldn't that count for something?!

Ugh I don't know may be I could go talk to Jacob and try to stop this. Even if this plan does follow through I guess I'm happy either way? Right?


Hey my little nerds Chevy here!~
Coming with another update! Hopefully this is one of many that will be coming this summer! I know its short but I kinda lost track of time. 😅
Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and with that said REMEMBER to be yourself and SMILE!
Redheadnerd out~😁💖👋

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