Chapter 7

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(Natsu's P.O.V)

(p.s this is before they came to your house)

Team Natsu ,minus (y/n), was sitting in the guild talking about me and (y/n)'s fight that we had. But I was spaced out in deep thought of everything that happened that day.

All I remember was (y/n) walking up to me and whispering something in my ear and me passing out. Then I kinda remember someone carrying me then something struggling out of my grasp, And I thought I saw (y/n) but then I heard a scream and was knocked out again.

When I woke up the next morning I just thought it was a dream and shook it off, but I'm still wondering if it was a dream.

We where discussing how strong (y/n) was when I came up with an idea.

"Hey guys I have an idea!!!" I said

"Heh that's a first" Grey said while wailing with laughter

"Shut it ice princess!!!"

"Make me flame-brain!!" Grey said while him and I butted heads.

But all that quickly stopped when Erza got up and grabbed Grey's head and slammed it into mine.

We got up and started bowing.

"Gomen Erza we didn't mean it we where just playing we are best friends see." We said at the same time and started to hug each other and dancing.

"Good now Natsu continue your idea." she said while grabbing her cake which literally came out of nowhere.

"Well why don't we just ask (y/n) to come on a mission with us?" I said while cocking my head to the side like a confused child.

"Actually, Natsu, that is a great idea we can go pick her up and ask her if she wants to go." Erza said.

"but do we know where her house is?" Lucy pointed out

"oh I know where she lives, she lives on the outer edge of town in a old two story house." I said Everyone looked at me weird.

"what did I say something wrong?"

"why do you know where she lives you pyro-stalker?"

"I just overheard her and Nadia talking about where they were gonna live. Remember I have really good hearing baka." I said while smacking Grey on the back of his head.

"You asked for it stalker!!" Grey screamed, then he came and kicked me in my private.

And I came down with a thud. It took me a while to recover but when I did it wasn't pretty.

Me and icicle got into a rough fight and we almost destroyed half of the guild. Then we made the biggest mistake of our life.

"You guys need to stop fighting right now or we wont have a guild!"

Erza said while walking up to us fixing to knock both of us out. But we didn't notice it was Erza till it was too late.

"SHUT UP!!" both of us said in sync.
Then we both threw or fist to Erza hitting her right in the face.

Everything went silent then we realized what we just did and I could feel my ghost leaving my body.

Erza got up and gave us a death glare that could scare Zeref. Then the last think I remember was waking up in the infirmary.

(Timeskip when both of them recovered)

When me and Elsa recovered we all got are stuff together and started walking to (y/n) house.

I dont know why but I get this weird feeling whenever I'm around her. But It may just be nothing I'm just gonna shake this feeling off.

We just got to (y/n)'s house and Erza knocked on the door, but there was no answer and I heard (y/n)'s voice in the 2nd story window. So I got the idea to climb up there and go in.

"hey guys I'm gonna climb through her window and unlock the door for us."

"Are you sure Natsu maybe she doesn't want you to go into her house unannounced." Lucy said while crossing her arms in a sarcastic way.

"Nah I'm sure Ill be right back." With that I was off into the window. I was lucky that the window was unlocked.

I heard the shower running and not thinking anything of it I opened the door but I guess she couldn't hear me cause she was singing. It was the most beautiful singing I have ever heard.

"Shit!" I heard (y/n) say as the shower curtain got pulled backwark revealing (y/n). She had her eyes closed and grabbed a wash cloth.

I had a majior nosebleed and could feel my face burn 50 shades of red. I quickly shut the bathroom door quietly as I could and ran downstairs to opened the door.

(the rest followed as the last chapter)

Hey little nerds chevy here and sorry it took so long to update I missed like 3 days of school cause of my grandmas funeral so I had too make up all me missing work so THAT was fun. But I hoped you enjoyed this story and I am typing on a computer right now so no emojis just imagine them being there. Remembered your loved.
Rednerd out~ 😁💖👋


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