I've been thinking A/n

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Hey guys Chevy heeerrreee!
And I just wanted to thank you guys sooo much for your love and support on this book it really means a lot. I love you guys and I don't think I would of been able to have ever start to write this book if it wasn't for you guys so thank you! I love you guys!💖

Also on a side note.....I wanted some feed back on an idea I have. I was thinking that after this book I was gonna start a new book called
The Playboy And His Ace which is another Natsu x Reader. I wanted to know if you guys would like me to finish this book first and then publish the 2nd book or publish it now. I'm leaving it up to you guys! And again I love you guys and all your support! Byeeeeeeee!
Redheadnerd out~😁💖👋

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