Chapter 14

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(Your P.O.V)

The train arrived at the magnolia train station and we started to walk back towards town. Well they walked natsu still had me protectively in His arms.

"Aw natsu I'm glad to know you care about me. I wish I could tell you how I feel but Im afraid that you'll say no." I thought while looking at Natsu's sun-kissed face.

We finally arrived in the center of town.

"Hey (y/n)?" Natsu asked

"Yeah?" I said while snapping out of my thoughts.

"Where is your house?"

"Oh um how do I say this.......I don't have one now?" I said while playing with my fingers like a child.

"WHAT?!" Team natsu said

(Some people were confused about this, which I probably should if been more clear. You accidentally destroyed your house out of anger, by you know who, and didn't want to admit it to team natsu. I'm not an idiot I swear!)

"I never really needed a house before. I always just slept outside anyway." I said covering up my lie.

"Well you can come and stay at our place till you find one." Natsu said while pointing at both him and happy.

"AYE SIR! (y/n) is so nice to me unlike some people." Happy said while looking over at Lucy who had a irk mark on her forehead.

"WHY YOU STUPID CAT GET OVER HERE!!!" She said while chasing happy

"Are you sure Nadia and I wouldn't be a bother?" I said

"Of course not we would love to have you over" natsu said while smirking.

"Why is he smirking and why did he say love like that?" I thought

"Well until then let's all just go hang at Lucy's house for a bit and talk about what happens back in that other town." Erza said while turning on her heel and walking towards, what I suppose is, the direction of Lucy's house.

{Timeskip by natsu carrying you like a baby aww!}

We finally arrived at Lucy's house and when we walked in the door I tugged on Natsu's vest.

"Hm?" He said

"you can put me down now natsu" I said

"oh sorry about that" he said as a tiny hint of blush spread his face.

"Your ok" I said while actually giving him a genuine smile.

He set me down and we all sat down in Lucy's living room. Then I saw Nadia fly through the window and tackle me in a hug.

"(N/n) are you OK what happen?!" Nadia asked as she looked at me with worry in her eyes

A deadly Aura started to surround me.


That was all I needed to say. The worry in her eyes soon turned to anger and discust.

"About that (y/n) can you please tell us what happened and who  'Jacob' is."  Erza said as she looked at me with a worried expression.

*Sign*"fine but its kinda a long story it first started when I was 7 years old." I started

{Basically the first 2 chapters of this story is what you told them}

"So after Acnologia left me I set out on my journey to find fairy tail ,but Nadia and I kept getting lost and it seemed like wherever we went their was trouble so that's how we got are reputation." I said as they all nodded their heads.

"Well while I was still trying to find fairy tail I ran into Jacob ,by now I was only 16 years old, and he just looked like prince charming."

Then my hair cover my eyes.

"But he was indeed not prince charming."

"We had been dating for about 2 years and I was spending more time with Jacob then trying to find fairy tail because Jacob was really possessive over me."

"Then one day I was gonna come over to Jacobs house to surprise him so I sneaked into his house and tried to find him."

Tears stared to flow from my eyes.

"When I got up stairs to look for him I opened the door to his b-bedroom and s-saw him with this s-slut!"

Natsu came up and started to rub your back. I gave him a gentle smile and went back to finishing my story.

"Well I left his sorry ass that second."

"I always remember thinking why did everything I love leave me? Then that day I made a vow to always keep myself distant from everyone. Well except Nadia." I said Petting Nadia's head.

"So I shut everyone out and never smiled again."

"Well until I came to fairy tail that is, you guys got me to smile and let people into my life again."

They all awwed and gave me a hug. When they released me I gave a big humongous smile while tears rolled down me cheeks.

"Don't worry (y/n) this guy won't touch you again I promise." Erza said while slamming me into her chest plate.

"Yeah we will make sure he knows not to mess with any of our fairy tail family!!" Natsu said while fist pumping the air.

"AYE SIR!!!!" both Nadia and Happy said while giving each other high fives.

"Yeah! We won't let you down (y/n)!" Lucy said with a determined look on her face.

"Eh even though you have kinda beat me up like a thousand times already you still are family and I won't let anyone hurt you." Grey said while smirking.

"Aw thanks guys I appreciate it!" I said as they gave me a group hug.

"If we see his sorry ass again he won't know what hit him!" Natsu said with his signature grin.

"Yeah!!!" the rest of team Natsu said

I haven't been this happy in a long time and its all thanks to Natsu and the rest of his team. I thought as a smile spread across my face.

Hey my little nerds Chevy her and I hope you liked this chapter. Personally I think it sucks but maybe I'm just being too negative on myself. Anyways I don't know if I will do a  Christmas special ,but if you would like me to write one please comment by at least tomorrow or by Christmas. But As always REMEMBER to be yourself and SMILE!!!!!
Rednerd out~ 😁💖👋


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