Chapter 4

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Sorry I just had to put this video in its so funny just watch it. Rednerd out~😁💖👋

{Your P.O.V}

"Who needs to die today?"

Was all I could think about when that table came hurling at me. I smirked and put my finger up but I didn't want to break the table so right when it was about to hit me I caught it with my pointer finger.

Dust blew around me when it stopped. Everything got silent. I gently set the table next to me. all eyes where on me. I had a deadly aura surrounding me.

"Well that's no way to greet and person now is it" while I said this I cracked my neck and my knuckles.

"Now who was the dumbass who threw this."

Then a guy with salmon hair turned around and said


"What did you just call me pyro?!" The raven haired boy said.

I started walking towards him. While I was doing this pinky ran and hid behind a scarlet haired woman wearing armour.

"So your the Baka."
I said while flicking his nose.

"Yeah what's it to you shortly."

{You are like 4 inches smaller than him and Natsu FYI}

Right when he said that my eyes turned from being (e/c) to being a dark crimson color.
This scared the crap out of this "Elsa" guy.

"Don't call me short elsa"

Right after I said that I hit him so hard I heard his ribs brake in half, and he went sailing back to the other side of the guild.

"And put some clothes on pervert." My eyes turned back to normal as I adjusted my cloak. Thank Mavis my hood was still on so nobody saw who I was. I walked over to the bar with Nadia on my head. I saw a really pretty white haired lady with a pink dress on.

"Um excuse me miss can you tell me where the master of this guild is." Everyone was still quiet, they where watching my every move like I was a wild tiger ready to pounce.

"U-um yeah you can go in his office right now let me just inform him your here." Then she went upstairs and went in the office. I could still sense everyone looking at me so I turned around and gave them all a death glare.

"What do I have something on me."
when I said that they all shivered and went back to what they were doing.
Then the girl came back.

"He can see you now."

I bowed and walked up the stairs. When I entered the office I saw a little man sitting in a chair, he gestured me to sit down.

"So I hear you want to talk to me am I right?" he said as I sat down

"Yes sir I wanna join your guild."
He looked at me with gentle eyes.

"If you don't mind me asking can both of you remove your hoods.

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot." I said

Both Nadia and I took of out hoods.
The old man's eyes widen.

"You are the Dragon Empress and her Dragon."

"Yes and I want to join this guild if you don't mind sir."

"Please call me gramps, and of course you can join this guild we would love to have you." He said while opening his arms for a hug.

"Thank you gramps." I said while giving him a hollow hug. I still kept a cold expression on my face.

"Well I got to announce this come with me child."

My Little Pyro {Natsu x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now