Chapter 15

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(Your P.O.V)

Today was a normal day in the guild. Natsu and Gray fighting, Erza eating cake, and Lucy crying over her rent. But then a booming voice rang off inside of the guild.

"LISTEN UP BRATS!!!" Gramps said as he made his way on top if the bar table. All attention was directed to him.

"It's October and you know what that means!! THE HARVEST FESTIVAL IS HERE!!!" he said as a huge smile spread across his face.

Everyone in the guild started to cheer.

"What is he talking about Natsu?" I said while whispering in Natsu's ear.

"Oh he is talking about the harvest festival! We hold the harvest festival every year on October 15th to celebrate the harvest! He said with his cute smile.

"Um what do we do at the festival?" I said

"Oh we will explain it to you later
(n/n)." he said with a cute smile.

"O-oh ok" I said distracted by his adorable smile.

"Well brats the harvest festival is coming up and we need to decorate and get our butt into gear! We need to make this year a year no one will forget!!!" gramps yelled as everyone cheered.

"Now everyone go off and start decorating the guild and the town!!" and with that said the whole guild got to work.

I went with team natsu to get supplies and stuff like that for the guild.

"So guys what do you guys do at this harvest festival?" I said while carrying so decorating supplies.

"We we usually have a huge parade to celebrate the harvest." Ezra said.

"Yeah and we also have this contest to see we will be the next miss fairy tail." Lucy said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Yeah (y/n)-sama you should enter the contest! Your soooo pretty I bet you would win for sure." Wendy said

"U-um I'm not that pretty their is way prettier girls out there." I said playing with my hair (if you have sort hair than you played with your fingers).

"Don't be so modest (y/n) you are probably the prettiest in our guild." Ezra said while giving me a, hard, pat on the back.

"Yeah if you entered their would be no chance that a cutie like me could win." Lucy said dramatically as she put her hand on her chest.

"Where's the cutie cause I can't see her?" happy said while flying above Lucy's head while putting his hand on his forehead like he is looking for something.

"Why you- COME BACK HERE YOU MANGEY CAT!!!!" Lucy yelled as she chased after happy.

{Timeskip by a chibi natsu trying to untangle some light wires}

After everything was set up in the guild we had to go around town to set up for this "big fighting" competition. I don't know what this thing is but I will win it! No doubt about that!

While we were setting up the decorations I kept getting this weird feeling like someone was looking at me.

"Hey natsu" I whispered to him.

"Yeah" he whispered back

"Do you feel like we're being watched?" I said while glancing around.

"Nah I think your just being paranoid (y/n)." he said while getting back to work.

"Ok if you say so..." then I went back to work too.

{Jacob's P.O.V.}

"I will get you back (y/n) and when I do we are gonna get married and I will get you far away from that dragon slayer."

Hey my little nerds I hoped you enjoyed this super super sort chapter. I wanted to update as soon as possible, but my schedule is pretty busy I have so much algebra homework plus I have basketball and volleyball after school till like 9:00 I am just stretching my self a little thin these past couple of days. BUT don't worry I will still be updating my book I will not abandon it I promise. And I hope y'all can forgive me for this super late update. BUT as always REMEMBER to be yourself and SMILE!
Rednerd out~ 😁💖👋


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