Chapter 22

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{Natsu's P.O.V}

We have searched for 3 days and we still haven't found a single lead on where (y/n) went.

I screamed slamming my hands down on our tables top.

"Natsu we have only looked around town maybe she went out of town?" Erza said trying to comfort me.

"But she would of told me! Plus why would she need to go out of town!?"

The stress was getting to me I can't believe she's gone and I couldn't do anything to save her!

"AHHHGGG!" I screamed accidentally burning the table to ash.

"OK THATS ENOUGH!" Lucy yelled as she stood there in the corner with her arms wrapped around herself.

Everyone stopped and looked at her shocked.

"I- I might know where (y/n) i-is."

"WHERE!" I yelled grabbing her arms.

"Natsu calm down your hurting her!" grey yelled trying to pull me off her.

"NO! I need answers!" I said slapping away his arms and directing my attention back to Lucy.

"Why didn't you tell us!!!!!" I said forcefully not caring if I hurt her feelings or not.

"I-it's.....I-it's ALL MY FAAAAUUULLTTT." she said breaking down into tears falling out of my grasp on the floor.

"H-he t-took her!" she cried as she started to shake from fear of me.

"Who took her lucy?" Wendy saif rubbing her back to try to make her feel better.

"Ja...." her sentence fell short as she mumbled her words too quiet even for my ears.

"What!?" I said a little too aggressively.

"JACOB TOOK HER OK!" she screamed as she ran to the infirmary room crying.

Everyone heard a click and knew that she just locked herself in.

"You need to calm down we all know that you miss (y/n) and we all know you care about her but you need to just calm down cause nobody is to blame but Jacob right now, do you understand me?" Erza said in a dangerously low voice.

"*gulp*yes ma'am" Natsu said said

"Good now go and apologise to her or so help me Mavis I will punch you so far underground that not even the devil could find you." she said with a dark aura as she stomped her foot.

Natsu then scurried off to go apologize to Lucy.

"Uhh Lucy?" Natsu said knocking on the door but there was no answer.

"Come on Lucy open up!" he said hitting the door a little harder but still no answer.

"Alright I'm coming in!" he said as he broke the lock and went in.

When he went in he saw a crying Lucy sitting in the corner of the room rocking forward and back wards on her heels with her knees shoved so close to her face that if you didn't look hard enough you couldn't see her face at all.

"Luce?" Natsu said walking closer to her and crouching down.

"What do you want?" she mumbled through her knees.

"I wanted to apologize, I'm just worried about (y/n). I didn't mean to snap at you like that." he said rubbing her back.

"I know you didn't Natsu I forgive you, but can you ever forgive me?" Lucy said lifting up her face to show streams of tears falling down her face like waterfalls.

My Little Pyro {Natsu x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now