Chapter 2

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"Gabe?" Sam's asks carefully. He tares his eyes from the crowd for a second to send the younger boy a fake smile then adverts his gaze back to the dance floor. Sam follows his stare and it lands on three guys, Kali, and some other girl basically all grinding against each other.

Sam slides his back down the wall and sits next to Gabriel. He nudges the older boy to get his attention and hands him his full cup of beer. "Thanks," he mumbles. "You were gonna ask me a question earlier."

"Oh, um, I was going to ask what you're studying," he reluctantly removes his focus from Kali. "I wanna be a lawyer. What about you?"

"A–an artist.." He shies away with a small blush, "I'm not very good though."

"Can I see?"

"What?" Gabriel shivers, wrapping his arms around himself. "Can I see your work?" Sam pulls the sweater he had around his waist off and offers it to the honey eyed boy. "I don't really show anyone unless I have too, besides Kali, but she doesn't think they're that great."

Sam can tell that Gabe has had some alcohol already but he's not drunk, just buzzed. "I bet they're amazing," he places his sweater over his new friend with a small smile and leans back against the wall again.

The Winchester does everything he can to keep Gabriel distracted, somewhere around midnight he begins to doze off.

Sam rests his head on Gabes shoulder, ready to pass out. His eyes are open the slightest bit, being able to see through his eyelashes and he notices Kali prancing over, so he stays like that.

"Let's go," she demands. "I don't want to wake Sam," Gabriels voice is strained like he's trying not to yell. "Who cares, he'll get to his place and go back to bed. I'm ready to go."

Beneath the shelter of his hoodie, Sam squeezes his hand in a reassuring way. Gabe lets out an uneven breath and shakes his head, "So what are you waiting for? Go."

She scoffs, "Whatever."

"Thank you.." He whispers after she's gone but Sam doesn't respond, just stays as he is. They sit for awhile until Sam thinks he hears Gabe lightly snoring. A small grin crosses his face when he realizes he's right.

With a sigh and the thought of, what the hell do I do with him? He scoops Gabriel into his arms and starts for his own dorm.

To his relief, Kevin isn't there when he gets back. Gently, he places the smaller man on his bed then slips out of this flannel.

When he goes to cover up Gabriel, his wrist is caught in his. He tenses and realizes that he's still sleeping, but he tugs Sam down next to him, never letting go. Sam can't help but smile and keep his arms around the other man in fear of waking him up and never getting the opportunity to do it again.

In the middle of the night, Sam had woken up and moved to the floor.


Groggily, he sits up while rubbing his eyes, "Yes?"

"You didn't have to sleep on the floor."

"I didn't..most of the night," Sam's cheeks heat up. "What time is it?"

"Um," he searches the room and finds Kevin's alarm clock, "It's ten forty three–ITS TEN FORTY THREE!" He jumps to his feet scrambling for clothes and a few other things.

"What's happening?"

"I'm gonna be late in my first day! I still have to shower!"

"Well I'll let you get ready. Thanks for letting me stay the night." Sam only glances at him a few times while running around the room like a crazy person, barely noticing that he scribbles something down on his night stand. "Bye," he yells down the hall as he heads back inside for the bathroom.

Before eleven, Sam hops out of the shower, his hair dripping wet. Now calmer than before, he picks up the piece of paper that Gabe left. He smiles down at a number and stuffs it into his pocket before grabbing his books and heading out for his first day of college.

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