Chapter 8

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"C'mon Gabe, I have to call Kevin. He's probably afraid to come in his own dorm."

"Good, we can have the place all to ourselves," Gabriel winks. Sam shakes his head and tries to get up. "Five more minutes," he refuses to move off of Sam. "Five more minutes," Sam chuckles, "But we're going to class today."

"Yes sir," he nuzzles his face further into the younger teen.

Over five minutes pass and Sam keeps his arm around Gabe, staring up at the white ceiling in thought.

"What are we?"

"Humans," Gabriel mutters. "Cute, but really."

"I don't know, what do you wanna be Samsquatch?"

His nicknames always give Sam butterflies. He smiles and shrugs, "What do you want to be?"

"How about this, I'll pick you up at five and I'll take you on a date. Then after the date we'll decide," he suggests, leaving a trail of kisses down Sam's neck. "S–sounds good," he stutters. His lips continue to work along his jaw and back down, Gabe seeming to know exactly what he's doing to the poor teen. Sam finally stops him, putting his lips in place of his sensitive skin. "Well, we better get up," Gabriel climbs out of bed. "Uh, yeah. I'll be up in a minute," Sam shrugs while shifting under the blanket. Gabe smirks knowingly.

"Bye," Gabe quickly placing his lips on Sam's and turns away. "Wait," delicately, Sam pulls Gabriel back into a kiss, taking his sweet time to break it off, "Bye."

"You're cute, you know that moose?"

His face flushes pink and his head droops down to hide it. Gabe kisses him on the cheek and goes the other direction, leaving Sam to watch him walk away.

Sam spends his hour after English class attempting to get ready. He puts on one shirt, throws it off and puts on another. He sighs and smooths out his nice button up he finally decided on.

"Change," Gabriel bursts through the door.


"I know you've spent the past hour picking something out. Just put on one of your regular flannels, like you would any other day."

"How did you–"

"Because I'm smart," he cuts Sam off, "Now don't make me take the shirt off you myself." For the second time today, Sam's face heats up, he hates that Gabe can do that do him, but he loves it at the same time.

"Good. Now let's go before we're late."

"Are you saying I don't look nice in dress shirts?" Sam crosses his arms and pretends to be offended. "You look good in anything, it just so happens that I like your regular clothes more," he leans up, brushing their lips then pulling Sam out the door.

Their fingers intertwine, bringing a smile to both of their faces.

"So where are you even taking me?"

"To see some cheesy zombie movie."


"You've been teasing me since you got to my dorm," Sam pouts. "Patients Samsquatch."

Sam slouches in his chair in the back of the theater, watching trailers while waiting for Gabe to allow kissing.

The lights finally dim and the actual movie starts. Sam glances over at Gabriel and sighs, why can't he stop thinking about the man right next to him?

"Hey," he whispers, leaning in and brushing his lips against Sam then backing up before gently placing them back.

So lost in each other, they missed most of the movie but could care less.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom."

"Okay, I'll wait here," Sam smiles and tucks his hands into his pockets before scanning the theaters lobby. Someone bumps into him and scrambles to apologize, "Oh! I'm sorr—are you from around here? I just don't recognize you."

"Um, no. I actually just started going to college at Stanford." Instantly, she's flirting. He doesn't encourage it by flirting back but doesn't push her away either.

"Sam," Gabriel puts a hand on his shoulder and turns him around, anger clear, "You're mine."

"What?" Sam heard what he said but wants to make sure that he's comprehending it right. "You. Are. Mine."

"Officially?" He tires to hide the toothy grin sneaking onto his features. "Yes," he states, still not letting himself ease. "I'm not kissing you unless you smile," Sam challenges. Gabe lets his eyes wander to the ceiling and the end of his mouth curve up, "Now come here," he bundles Sam's shirt in his hand and tugs him down. Sam feels the eyes from the girl on his back, making him awkwardly break the kiss.

"My moose."

She puts her hands up in surrender, leaving with a couple of her friends. "Yours huh? I like the sound of that," Sam nods, a small laugh coming from him as he drags Gabe through the crowd and outside.

"I'll see you in the morning," Sam leans over and kisses Gabriel goodnight.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," he chuckles after he's alone in the car.

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