Chapter 27

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"Would you come on," Sam laughs from outside the bathroom door, "You can't do this every time you put on clothes that you don't normally wear."

"Watch me," Gabriel mumble, crossing his arms. "You know I can pick a lock, right?"

"Fine," Gabe huffs, "I'm coming out." Hesitantly, he unlocks the door, taking his time to push it open. "Damn," He groans, almost in annoyance, "Do you have to look good in everything?" They're basically matching: work boots, white muscle shirts, and some old jeans. But does he always have to look that sexy?

"Me? Have you looked in the mirror?" Sam gestures to his boyfriend dramatically. "Save me the bullshit babe."

"It's not—"

Gabriel pushes his lips to the teens, cutting off his protests. "Whatever," Sam mumbles after pulling away. "You ready to go? The construction isn't going to wait for us."

"Yeah. Yeah," Gabe waves him off, searching for his keys.


They arrive to the construction sight, which Sam had signed him and Gabe up for as extra credit. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this."

"Oh come on, it's charity."

"Can't I just donate money or something?"

"You're awful," Sam chuckles, taking his hand and pulling him along.

Finally they find an actual worker, who gives them instruction and a hammer. Gabriel smirks wickedly at the tool in his hand, swinging it, then staring some more. "Should I be worried?" Sam raises one eyebrow at his boyfriends amusement with the hammer. "Of course not Samsquatch." But the expression on his face suggests otherwise.

"You ass, bring those nails back here," Sam calls as Gabriel takes them and begins working on a separate wall. "Come get them yourself."

"You're a pain," he chuckles, setting down the wood in his hand and heading for the nails, stuffing a bunch in his pocket. The Winchester then wraps his arms around the shorter man while he's actually working for the first time. "Why did you move over here?"

"Because you work too fast."

"Maybe you just work too slow."

"That too," Gabe agrees and turns to quickly peck him, "Now get back to work you slacker."

"Yes, sir."


"Now who's the slacker?" Sam sticks his tongue out, placing his hand on his hips after. Gabe glances at him from his spot on a pile of wood. "I hammered my thumb," he pouts. "Want me to kiss it?" Sam mocks and stick out his bottom lip. "I hate you."

"I know," Sam smiles, setting down his tool and walking over to him. He crouches next to his boyfriend and examines his hand for a second, then kisses his thumb. Playfully, Gabriel roles his eyes and puts his arms around Sams neck.

Sams eyes avert over Gabes shoulder for a split but he catches sight of someone who makes his tense in anger. "You okay?" Gabe questions at his sudden hard facial expression. "Come over and work with me again," Sam responds, gently leaning in to kiss him after. "I don't like the way she's looking at you," he mumbles, assuming the other male would catch on. He nods 'okay', only looking behind when Sam pulls him up.

Kali. He glares.

"Just ignore her," Sam squeezes his hand. "How? She keeps looking over here," Gabe scoffs, not at Sam, just in general. "Look at me," the teen whispers into Gabriel's ear, shivers running down his spine despite the hot whether. The blonde can't help but feel the need to push him against the unfinished wall.

"You bitches look hungry."

"Charlie," Gabe grins. "Guilty," she smiles back, "I brought extra sandwiches and I thought you guys would eat."

"How did you know we were coming?"

"Sam told me," Charlie shrugs, pulling out two sandwiches baggies, "I didn't think he'd actually get you here, but I packed you something anyway."

"You didn't tell me she was coming," Gabe tips his head straight up, Sam standing directly behind him at the moment. "Because we had a bet and part of it was I couldn't tell you she would be here," he stares right back down at him. Gabriel only laughs at his friends and steps to his tippy-toes to peck Sam, "You guys are idiots."

"Says the one who didn't win ten bucks."

"Shut up and eat," Charlie demands. Sam chuckles and sits on a random tool box, Gabe between his legs.

"You're sweaty," Gabe comments about half way through his lunch. "Yeah," Sam runs a hand through his hair, "Sor–"

"It's hot as hell."

The Winchester opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes to mind. He just shrugs and rests his head on the other mans shoulder.

"She's staring again," the older of the two grumbles. "Let her look," Sam smirks, passionately placing his lips against Gabes. Their lips stay perfectly in sync and he completely forgets about his exes gaze.

Charlie clears her throat.

They pull back the slightest a bit, both grinning like idiots. With one last quick peck, they go back to eating.


It gets late, enough to where both the men are worn out and ready to head home.

"Hey, didn't we leave your brother alone at your apartment all day?"

"Oh yeah," Gabe nods, somehow Castiel completely slipped his mind, "He's fine," he brushes off.

"Alright," Sam chuckles, putting his arm around Gabes shoulder, "You ready to go?" Although Sam already knew the answer and he heads for the parking area. Then his eyes lock with these cold ones.


She evilly smiles at him and ducks into her car.

"You okay Sammich?"

"Huh? Oh..yeah," he didn't realize he had stopped walking, "I'm just tired."

"Well come on, I'll make you dinner then we can go to bed."

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